submitted 2 days ago by stinky@redlemmy.com to c/dreams@redlemmy.com

It's night and I'm walking on the street with other people, frustrated and scared. I'm responsible for crafting enemies and I don't want to create something I can't beat. The people walking with me are enemies too. I'm giving out chocolates (Rollo?) which has something to do with it.

submitted 1 week ago by stinky@redlemmy.com to c/dreams@redlemmy.com

Three decapitated but living people had to be put into a freezer. Cryostasis maybe. I was in agony, they are going to be so cold, the metal will burn them where it touches their skin, their eyes will freeze, should I get goggles? I realized my worrying was just delaying everything and making it worse for them. I had to somehow just get it done

Dwarf Fortress (redlemmy.com)
submitted 2 weeks ago by stinky@redlemmy.com to c/dreams@redlemmy.com

Last night I was a character in a dwarf fortress game? I collected ambergris and travelled on a cart through a festival. I made a joke of our combat logs and wrote a line into it, my singing axe turned an enemy into an axe sheath. Earlier I [c]laimed a bunch of tiles from an abandoned fort and they started flickering as they rendered to the screen


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