After seeing people use the @jetbrains UI to commit to git I understand where all those - sorry: shitty - commit messages come from....


An improvement would already be to have a "Subject" line and the text box.

And have the subject line follow the Beams Rule.

Sonthat the first line of the commit message finishes the sentence

"When this commit is applied it will..."

And please: No longer than 56(?) characters (Unicode). Keep it short. You got the textbox to explain *why* in full length.


The JetBrains Developer Recognition Program is expanding! Recognized #GitHub Stars can now enjoy free access to all JetBrains IDEs.
Learn more ⬇️


@khalidabuhakmeh I was expecting this toot from you 🕺 I still wonder which one is the real jetbrains account below, anyway it would not hurt mentioning more accounts, this is a good news

#jetbrains @jetbrains@programming.dev @jetbrains@mast.socialspill.com


Checking out the new Fleet preview from @jetbrains for some #Django development and it's super stable and easy to use. #indieweb #jetbrains


Dlouholetým partnerem ne-konference @jopenspace je společnost @jetbrains tvůrce integrovaných vývojových prostředí, které většina z nás denodenně používá. Tři nejlepší talky se mohou opět těšit na roční licence IDE dle svého výběru! #JOSCZ24


Good news from today, I got my open source licence from @jetbrains for https://github.com/ozkanpakdil/swaggerific thank you #jetbrains 🤓


Not a fan of the #AI hype at all, but @jetbrains #RustRover new full line code completion feature is impressive



Do you find it tedious to build a file tree with snake-case text and dates to create the file for your blog posts?

I do too!

In this blog post I show you how I automated that with Webstorm.

I'm pretty sure it works with all other @jetbrains IDEs!



Results from the @ThePSF and @jetbrains #PythonDevSurvey show #Python 3 is firmly here, and people are upgrading to the most recent versions each year:



Kicking off afternoon sessions (after sponsors @getsentry and @jetbrains ) at #Laracon is @rissabubbles talking about how D&D can be applied to software dev.

(Should have sent earlier but cell network issues)


@jetbrains Looks like some of your k8s ingresses are presenting self-signed. Lots of workers got this dialog pop up just now.

DMs open


Hi, JB.
Do you want me to stop buying your products? Because you are on exact actions path that make me to stop buying your products.
First - a very questionable UI redesigns (and now the menus sometimes have a loading spinner).
Second - buying in on the AI hype and adding "AI" bloat completion.
And now this "update notes under NDA".
I was already on the fence about extending the Toolbox subscription for this year, but thought to give one more chance.
Please do better "or else".

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by JackbyDev@programming.dev to c/jetbrains@programming.dev

Link to a (frustratingly) deleted question on Stack Overflow. Text and image copied below incase you don't have the ability to see it. (Not sure why the image shows multiple times.)

Is there any way to more granularly control IntelliJ IDEA's inspections' "Nullability and data flow problems" option "Treat non-annotated members and parameters as @Nullable"? Preferably for unboxing specifically?

I am aware I can use a variety of @Nullable annotations in a variety of places in the code to make the warnings appear. That's not always an option as the place the boxed primitives are coming from may be other libraries you don't have control over. (Imagine if the Holder record below was from a different project.) I included other examples below to illustrate my point.

public class Sample {

    private final Boolean value;

    public Sample(Boolean value) {
        this.value = value;

    private boolean isValue() {
        return value; // I would like a warning here

    private static Boolean boxedTrue() {
        return true;

    private static boolean unboxedTrue() {
        return boxedTrue(); // No warning here, but that's understandable since never null

    private static Boolean boxedNull() {
        return null;
    private static boolean unboxedNull() {
        return boxedNull(); // Only warning in the file (by default)
        // "Unboxing of 'boxedNull()' may produce 'NullPointerException'

    public record Holder(Boolean value) {}

    public boolean openHolder(Holder holder) {
        return holder.value(); // I would like a warning here

When "Treat non-annotated members and parameters as @Nullable" is enabled, the following gives warnings. While that makes sense given the name of the option, there is code like this literally everywhere. It adds hundreds of warnings to my project. I'm trying to find more granular choices.

    public static ZonedDateTime timeStuff(LocalDateTime localDateTime, ZoneId zoneId) {
        return localDateTime.atZone(zoneId); // I do not want warnings for this

I see that the Java Class Library has JetBrains annotations despite not actually being annotated. Is there perhaps some way to add these automatically to libraries if there is no better way to control the inspection?

Showing @NotNull and @Contract annotations on LocalDateTime.atZone(ZoneId)

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by diekenbrock@digitalcourage.social to c/jetbrains@programming.dev

Just installed the new version 2024.2 of @jetbrains #webstorm
I really really hate the new UI and I am very annoyed how Jetbrains tries to force me to use it.
Now it's even just a plugin 😠
Jetbrains, I'm a paying customer. This will stop at the moment when you no longer support the classic ui.


What de hell is this ? (PhpStorm 2024.2) #phpstorm #jetbrains @jetbrains #php


Well, I’m pleased with #Zed, but you ain’t programming “at the speed of thought” yet.

After so many years of software development, small helps are what free your mind. #ZedEditor is not there yet.

After that comes performance. It’s known that @jetbrains usage of JVM is a resource hog.

If Zen can add the same QoL improvements with great performance, I’m in.

#Programming #Development #Software #Editors #IDE #Javascript #PHP #Rust #Go #HTML #Vue #React #Angular #WebDev


Thanks @jetbrains and Mala Gupta for a great experience speaking on the youtube live stream and this lovely gift/letter. Hope to do it again soon!


I finally got around to a text version of my videos on Writerside, a technical writing-focused IDE from @jetbrains

It's an opinionated tool, and to get full benefit, you have to move your documentation, but it's great to see new tools emerging in our space.



Someone (maybe a company making software development tools, e.g. @jetbrains 😉) should do research and design properly ergonomic keyboard shortcuts for code editors. It's tiring to see different and mostly "accidental" shortcuts everywhere.


It's interesting that Jetbrain's CLion Nova is otherwise an excellent IDE, but it can be just glacially slow at times. For instance when bringing up the "fix stuff" popup for a simple "replace with auto" hover suggestion, it can take up to 10 seconds for the popup to show. Clearly the internal structures are broken and/or totally unoptimised. Cmd-clicking on a method can also lead to "Resolving references" for some seconds.

/cc @jetbrains

#clion #nova #cpp #jetbrains #sloooow


All popular IDEs (and most apps) seem stuck in a single-monitor paradigm. When are we going to get an IDE that sets the bar for working with multiple monitors? For inspiration, look at multi-monitor audio engineering consoles. Please


Has anyone in the #Rust world taken a serious look at what would need to be done for Rust-LLDB to have the level of usability that the @jetbrains @rustrover debugger has, e.g. for actually understanding enums etc.? If so, can you point me at it? I would like to understand the status! (Also, major props to the RustRover team here.)


ok, @AsahiLinux (fedora@fosstodon.org remix) installed on this m1pro macbook pro. and it's working. @jetbrains #IntellijIdea installed and working too even if its name is awkward af, building and running my project in @eclipseadoptium #Temurin #java but JetBrains Toolbox crashes when it tries to open the window. everything else seems ok and *noticeably* snappier than same under vmware fusion on a mac studio. mastodon access via @Tuba


Messed around this weekend trying to make a desktop app with #Kotlin and #ComposeForDesktop, and it's clear to me that it still has a long way to go. The documentation for it is severely lacking and #KMP libraries really seem to be focused on mobile rather than desktop.

Then there's @jetbrains Slack, which would be cool to use to ask questions if only I could figure out how to get access. You can read archives, but if people link to other threads or messages, the link simply doesn't work.

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