CNN's John Avlon said Thursday that President Biden was "very obsessed" with the coverage of his son Hunter and his allies don't want to bring it up because it would "derail a conversation."

Avlon said that Republicans have had a "difficult time demonizing Joe Biden" and said doing it with Hunter Biden creates "some sense of moral equivalence with the Trump family's challenges."

"There’s deep reluctance, as this reporting shows, to raise this with President Biden because he has stuck by his sole surviving son and he will. And in private also, I've heard reports that he’s very obsessed with the negative coverage of Hunter. He’s concerned about it, it’s an irritant. And that’s understandable. But not one that allies around him want to raise because it will derail a conversation," Avlon continued.

The CNN panel discussed new reporting that said Biden's aides rarely bring up his son during campaign meetings because it's a sensitive topic.

"Hunter Biden is not a topic of discussion in campaign meetings," a senior aide told CNN. "It’s just not addressed."

CNN's Jeff Zeleny detailed this reporting on Thursday and said that aides "do wonder if there will be a blind spot about this because it is simply not mentioned or discussed on the campaign."

New York Times reporter Shane Goldmacher told the panel that the president was effectively remaining silent on two of the "most talked about issues in the country."

"But between Trump’s indictments, which also Joe Biden doesn’t want his team and the DNC talking about, and his son's investigation, he’s now basically issuing an order for the top person in the Democratic Party not to talk about two of the most talked about issues in the country politically. That’s a tough place to be on both of those counts. It’s hard to never answer questions about his son’s investigation. It's hard to never talk about the former president and the front-runner to-be rival’s criminal charges. And so it makes them not active participants in two of the biggest story lines," he said.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/723096

The Department of Justice moved quickly and announced its intention to voluntarily dismiss two tax charges against Hunter Biden without prejudice. The purpose behind this move is to refile the charges either in the Central District of California or in Washington, D.C., rather than proceeding in Delaware.

Why would they do this?

These two venues not only have Joe Biden-appointed U.S. Attorneys, but are also more likely to have a sympathetic judge oversee the case.

Thus, Hunter Biden could potentially score another sweetheart plea deal similar to the one Noreika rejected. E. Martin Estrada, the U.S. attorney for the Central District of California, is a donor to Biden and Kamala Harris’s campaigns, served on the board of a left-wing legal organization, and previously refused to file charges against Hunter Biden in 2022. It sure sounds like a good venue for Hunter to get a sweet new plea deal.

Under the original deal, Hunter was to plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges related to his failure to pay millions in federal taxes. Additionally, he was set to agree to a pre-trial diversion arrangement concerning his firearm offense. In exchange for this, he would have received two years probation and no jail time. The agreement would also have granted Hunter substantial immunity, safeguarding him against potential charges under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/723068

The immediate effect of this belated appointment will be to insulate Weiss and the Department from Congress as it prepares to interview Weiss and members of his team.

Yet if that was truly his purpose in doing this, Garland might have been too clever by half. First, since Garland did not appoint someone from outside of the Department (as envisioned under Section 600.3).

Of course, Garland could insist that, although this appointment from inside the Justice Department violates the statute, Special Counsel John Durham was also selected from the department’s ranks. Yet that does not excuse the appointment of a prosecutor who has been accused of conflicts of interest and false statements — the very antithesis of a special counsel who is supposed to have “a reputation for integrity and impartial decision-making.”

Second, there is the failure to expand Weiss’s mandate. Garland described that mandate as focusing again on Hunter Biden, and the Justice Department refused to respond to questions on the possible inclusion of his father in the investigation.


What are the RINOs going to do about this?


Pozharskyi put in writing that he did, in fact, get access to Joe Biden.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent (sic) some time together,” Pozharskyi wrote Hunter Biden in an email the following morning. “It's realty [sic] an honor and pleasure.”

Later that year, in December, as Archer testified to congressional investigators, Pozharkskyi and Zlochevsky requested a meeting so that Hunter Biden could “help them with some of that pressure” that the Ukrainian government was putting on Burisma with its investigations.

Then-Vice President Joe Biden visited Ukraine mere days after this meeting and began to call for Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin—the official in charge of investigating Burisma—to be fired. Later, Vice President Biden would threaten to withhold a $1 billion loan guarantee from the country if Shokin was not removed. Biden bragged about it in a Counsel on Foreign Relations interview in 2018.


The 19-page memo, which provides screenshots of redacted bank records, says millions in payments came from Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, as well as Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina and Kazakhstani oligarch Kenes Rakishev, and that then-Vice President Biden attended dinners with Baturina, Rakishev and a representative from Burisma.

“Then-Vice President Biden met—in person, for significant periods of time—with those individuals or their representatives,” the memo states. “Then-Vice President Biden joined approximately 20 phone calls on speakerphone with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates and attended dinners with foreign oligarchs who paid huge sums of money to Hunter Biden. Joe Biden, ‘the brand,’ was the only product the Bidens sold.”


A clear pattern of the Biden family and its partners doing business with Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Chinese and Romanian figures who had legal and other troubles and then collecting money around the times of gaining access to Joe Biden.


The story, which has already called into question the Chinese Communist Party’s continued influence over the Biden administration, also has a link to President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. The first son has financial ties to the phone call participant through his previous employer, Sinopec.

Sinopec, also known as China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, is a Chinese state-owned oil and gas enterprise. Its “fully-owned subsidiary” Sinopec Marketing Company enjoyed nearly $1 billion in investment from Hunter Biden’s private equity firm BHR Partners.

Finalized in March 2015, the investments from the controversial investment fund led to BHR Partners amassing a nearly 30 percent stake in Sinopec. BHR Partners’ LinkedIn profile highlights its Sinopec investment, revealing it was involved “in the pilot state-owned enterprise reform deal involving the segregation and capital.

Zhang has deep ties to Sinopec, previously serving as the company’s Board Director and Senior Vice President. During his nearly decade-long stint at the company, he was also elected as a member of the Party Committee of Sinopec Group, as revealed in his professional biography.


“Hunter Biden was obviously trying to divert the different kinds of money” into bank accounts in the names of his family, but none of that involves President Joe Biden and the President has “never been accused, meaningfully, of any corruption in his life. I don’t think it has started now.”


It has been revealed that a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation made "false statements" in his testimony regarding the agency's involvement in the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Elvis Chan claimed during an October 2022 deposition that the FBI had not communicated with Facebook aside from a meeting that took place the day the story broke. New evidence has shown that Chan himself held a follow-up meeting the next day.

Chan, a repeat Democratic Party donor, then claimed that he was unaware of any further communications between "anyone at Facebook and anyone at the FBI related to the Hunter Biden laptop story."

As Jordan explained, this was "completely false," drawing attention to internal documents obtained by the Committee proving that Chan held a secret "follow-up" call with Facebook on October 15.


They’re not going to report on or discuss anything that might harm Joe Biden, or any other Democrat for that matter.


BS of course he had a conflict. Hunter Biden is the son of the man who was the Presidental candidate from the opposing party.


Exhibit A: America's broken justice system


Imran Khan sentenced to three years in jail, banned from politics ahead of elections.

The popular opposition leader was promptly arrested from his home in Lahore after the court handed down the sentence. The court also disqualified him from politics for five years, banning his political activities.

Before being taken into custody, Khan released a video on social media saying his arrest was “expected” and calling on his supporters to protest peacefully.

“When you receive this message, I will be arrested, and I will be in prison,” said Khan. “I only have one request, one appeal for you. You must not sit quietly inside your homes. The struggle I am doing is not for my own self, it’s for my nation, for you. For the future of your children.”


Biden administration likely discussed its plans to release oil from the SPR with China before its public announcement in the US: yes, China's Communist Party learned what Biden would be doing before the US did.

"Secretary Granholm's multiple closed-door meetings with a CCP-connected energy official raise serious questions about the level of Chinese influence on the Biden administration’s energy agenda," APT Executive Director Caitlin Sutherland told Fox News Digital, an "energy agenda" that can be summarized with just one chart:


Joe Biden, through this boondoggle, self-promotional “alliance” lined the pockets of murderous drug dealers and human traffickers throughout the Northern Triangle — Honduras , Guatemala, and El Salvador — from 2014 to 2016 for what American taxpayers were told was “combating corruption and upholding the rule of law.”

Given the disastrous policies now enacted along our Southern Border, does any reasonable American believe that $1.5 billion for the Alliance for Prosperity ($500 million to Orlando Hernández in Honduras) was used as intended?


“When we began to actively move forward with the aim of clarifying this crime and finding who had been guilty of violating Ukrainian laws at Burisma. We ended up discovering that the administrators recruited in May-June 2014 were probably involved. These were Devon Archer, Hunter Biden, and others. Joe Biden had reason to fear that all this would eventually fall on his son,”

“I understand very well that the United States has one of the strongest intelligence agencies in the world… Apparently, Mr. Biden was informed that we are approaching the moment when the interrogations of his son and other persons began,” Shokin said.

Shokin maintained that the real motivation behind Biden’s push for his removal was to protect his personal and family interests rather than the interests of the American people.


De Sousa was accused of not paying more than $67,000 in taxes and his plea agreement included 10 months of prison time. Hunter Biden is accused of evading more than $2 million in taxes and his now-collapsed plea agreement only included probation.


It wasn’t the content of the calls, in other words, but the fact that they were made. That was the “signal.”


Future Forward's nonprofit, which hides its donors, has transferred tens of millions to the PAC for electoral activity in recent years. This setup positions Biden's candidacy to receive a boost from anonymous benefactors as the nonprofit sits on a large amount of cash before the election ramps up.


Why would prosecutors write a plea deal for Hunter that one of them admitted to Judge Noreika had no precedent?

The rejected plea deal was unprecedented because prosecutors and defense attorneys were unprecedentedly working for the same team. But that’s what happens when the Justice Department pretends to be investigating the president’s son with his dad’s reelection on the line.

The Hunter Biden plea deal was part of a package in which the DOJ and the FBI stonewalled Congress and are trying to send Devon Archer, Hunter’s closest pal, to prison ahead of his congressional testimony in which he was scheduled to accuse Joe Biden of taking part in conversations with Hunter’s business partners while serving as vice president.


2 Days Before Congressional Testimony, DOJ Asks Judge to Set Prison Date for Key Hunter Biden Associate https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/doj-seeks-to-imprison-key-hunter-biden-associate-ahead-of-congressional-testimony-5432781 Republicans said the move was an effort to intimidate the witness ahead of his highly anticipated testimony to Congress, citing the unprecedented nature of the DOJ sending out such a communication on a Saturday.


The revelation helps explain why no one involved in the foreign business dealings has faced charges related to foreign lobbying violations or other alleged crimes.

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