submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by soloActivist@links.hackliberty.org to c/privacy@links.hackliberty.org

cross-posted from: https://links.hackliberty.org/post/2667522

Apparently some company I do business with shared my data with another corp without me knowing, then that corp who I did not know had my data was breached.


Then the breached corp who could not competently secure the data in the first place offers victims a gratis credit monitoring services (read: offers to let yet another dodgy corp also have people’s sensitive info thus creating yet another breach point). Then the service they hired as a “benefit” to victims outsources to another corp and breach point: Cloudflare.


So to be clear, the biggest privacy abuser on the web is being used to MitM a sensitive channel between a breach victim and a credit monitoring service who uses a configuration that blocks tor (thus neglecting data minimization and forcing data breach victims to reveal even more sensitive info to two more corporate actors, one of whom has proven to be untrustworthy with private info).

I am now waiting for someone to say “smile for the camera, you’ve been punk’d!”.

Then the lawyers representing data breach victims want you to give them your e-mail address so they can put Microsoft Outlook in the loop. WTF? The shit show of incompetence has no limit.


Are there any privacy implications of enabling it?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by soloActivist@links.hackliberty.org to c/privacy@links.hackliberty.org

The link is Cloudflare-free, popup-free and reachable to Tor users.

(edit) Some interesting factors--

from the article:

For a period of over 2 years, Uber transferred those data to Uber's headquarters in the US, without using transfer tools. Because of this, the protection of personal data was not sufficient. The Court of Justice of the EU invalidated the EU-US Privacy Shield in 2020.

Yes but strangely & sadly the US benefits from an adequacy decision, which IIRC happened after 2020. This means the US is officially construed as having privacy protections on par with Europe. As perverse as that sounds, no doubt Uber’s lawyers will argue that point.

The Dutch DPA started the investigation on Uber after more than 170 French drivers complained to the French human rights interest group the Ligue des droits de l’Homme (LDH), which subsequently submitted a complaint to the French DPA.

Wow! I wonder what triggered so many drivers to consult a human rights group. I mean, consider that Uber users and drivers are all happy to run a closed-source Google-gated app.. this is not a demographic who cares about privacy. So what triggered 170 complaints? I wonder if the Dutch DPA would have taken any action had there not been 170 cross-border complainants.

The French DPA gives some interesting insight. Info to attempt to satisfy access requests were in English, not French, which breaks the accessibility rule. The French article gives more a feeling of not 170 proactive complaints, but maybe the human rights org complained on behalf of 170 drivers. I am quite curious from an activist point of view if 170 drivers proactively initiated a complaint.

The fourth breach is interesting:

by not explicitly mentioning the right to data portability in their privacy statement.

Is data portability even useful for Uber drivers in France? I’ve never used Uber (fuck Google), but I imagine drivers have feedback about how well they perform and maybe they want to port that data to an Uber competitor.. but there is no Uber competitor in France, is there? Is Lyft in France?


“Categorically unconstitutional” – that is how the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled about the use of geofence warrants.

The part of the Constitution that this type of warrant, that enables dragnet-style mass surveillance, violates is the Fourth Amendment, the court found.

This amendment is meant to protect citizens from unreasonable searches or seizures – but, said the court of appeals, what geofence warrants do is allow for the opposite: “General, exploratory rummaging.”

We obtained a copy of the ruling for you here.

Geofencing works by essentially treating everyone who happens to be in a geographic area during a given time as a suspect, until established otherwise.

And, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a digital rights group, an outspoken critic that often gets involved in legal cases to argue against this method of investigation, welcomed the court’s decision, noting that people should not have to fear having their phone with them in public because that could turn them into a criminal suspect.

The Circuit Court’s stance on geofence warrants came as it deliberated the United States v. Smith case, revolving around the police in Mississippi in 2018 resorting to obtaining this type of warrant to investigate an armed robbery and assault that took place in a post office.

Google, which is who law enforcement turns to with these warrants most of the time, obliged, turning over data from the phones to the police, who then managed to produce two suspects, later defendants.

But – even though it decided not to suppress the evidence, because it found the police were acting “in good faith” while geofencing was still a new phenomenon – the Fifth Circuit Court doesn’t think the warrants are inherently lawful, i.e., in compliance with the Constitution.

One problem cited by the judges is that police access to sensitive location data collected during the process of geofencing is “highly invasive” since it can reveal a lot about a person, including their associations, and, also lets the police “‘follow’ them into private spaces,” EFF explained the court’s decision.

Another is that the warrants never specify that they apply to a particular person, as law enforcement “have no idea who they are looking for, or whether the search will even turn up a result.”


The Biden administration is working to expedite widespread adoption of digital IDs, including driver’s licenses, a draft executive order indicates.

Digital IDs are a contentious concept primarily because of the concentration of – eventually – the entirety of people’s sensitive private information in centralized databases controlled by the government, and on people’s phones, “client-side.”

That in turn brings up the issues of technical security, but also privacy, and the potential for dystopian-style mass surveillance.

Proponents, on the other hand, like to focus on the “convenience” that such a shift from physical to digital personal documents is promised to bring.

In the US, some states have started this process via digital driver’s licenses, and the executive order is urging (“strongly encouraging”) both federal and state authorities to accelerate this, as well as other types of digital ID.

Where this policy seems to be converging to is coming up, at long last, with a functional way to carry out online identity verification. Namely, digital ID would be combined with biometric data obtained through facial recognition, and other forms of biometrics harvesting.

Centralization of data – opponents say to better control it, even if that makes it less secure – is a key component of these schemes, and so the Biden executive order speaks about making it obligatory for federal agencies to join “a single government-run identity system, Login.gov,” reports say.

It is also noted that Biden initially mentioned such an executive order was coming during his 2022 State of the Union speech, but the wording reportedly became a cause of contention.

Now, that seems to have been resolved, and the only question for the administration is when Biden should sign the order, the same sources who saw the text, report.

At the same time, as states are launching their own (partial) digital ID programs, an increasing number are looking for ways to introduce online age verification and are enacting laws to this effect.

A federal-level digital ID scheme would help in these efforts to solve the “problem” of online anonymity – and in the process forever change the internet as we know it.


In Brazil, a significant upheaval in digital privacy and access to information is unfolding, as a notable number of reputable VPN services—including NordVPN, ExpressVPN, Surfshark, and VyprVPN—have vanished from the local iOS App Store. This move is widely believed to comply with Brazilian authorities’ directives, reflecting a concerning trend towards online censorship.

This development is particularly alarming in light of the recent decision X made to shutdown its operations in the country. X terminated its operations after a protracted legal confrontation with Brazilian officials, who had accused the platform of insufficient efforts to combat disinformation, specifically its failure to block accounts spreading false information and hate speech. Despite the shutdown, X’s app is still accessible in Brazil.

The closure of X’s offices and the removal of VPNs from the App Store have spurred a significant shift toward VPN usage among Brazilians, seeking to bypass increasing online restrictions. Proton VPN reported a staggering 580% surge in new registrations recently, highlighting the growing reliance on VPNs to maintain internet freedom.

Nevertheless, acquiring these tools has become challenging. Attempts to install these apps from the iOS App Store are met with no option to download, indicating a blockade rather than a mere removal.

The current scenario underscores the critical importance of VPN services in safeguarding internet freedom in Brazil. As digital platforms face governmental pressures and the landscape of internet accessibility continues to evolve, the role of VPNs as tools for ensuring unrestricted access to information becomes ever more vital.


California is one of the US states that have introduced digital license plates, amid opposition from a number of rights advocates.

Now, there is a legislative effort to have GPS location tracking embedded in these, to all intents and purposes, devices attached to the car.

Sponsored by Democrat Assemblywoman Lori Wilson, Bill 3138 is currently making its way through the state’s legislature. It refers to “License plates and registration cards: alternative devices,” and the bill has another sponsor – Reviver.

The company was founded by Neville Boston, formerly of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), and promotes itself as the first digital license plates platform. It has made its way to both this proposal, and the law the current draft builds on – AB 984 (also sponsored by Wilson) – which was signed into law two years ago.

The problem with Reviver is that it has already had a security breach that allowed hackers to track those using the company’s digital plates in real-time. It doesn’t help, either, that the company is effectively a monopoly – the only one, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) notes, “that currently has state authorization to sell digital plates in California.”

Meanwhile, the key problem with AB 3138, warns EFF, is that it “directly undoes the deal from 2022 and explicitly calls for location tracking in digital license plates for passenger cars.”

The deal in question refers to the way AB 984 eventually managed to become law, signed by Governor Gavin Newsom: a provision that would have allowed for location tracking of private vehicles was removed at the time.

But clearly, that was just a temporary move to pacify opponents, and now Wilson – and Reviver – are back to “complete” the original effort.

EFF is urging the legislature not to approve AB 2138 and is choosing to highlight those scenarios where such GPS tracking would be detrimental to those who are ostensibly among the voters or sympathizers of Wilson and her party.

Thus, the digital rights group speaks about those seeking abortion traveling (and being tracked, unawares) from state to state, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) using the tech, etc.

However, it’s difficult to see how adding another way for the authorities to track vehicles in real-time is not potentially detrimental to any person, as a form of invasive mass surveillance.


Free speech group the Foundation for Individual Rights (FIRE) has gone to court in a bid to block Texas state age verification law, Securing Children Online through Parental Empowerment Act (SCOPE Act, HB 18).

We obtained a copy of the complaint for you here.

This largely Republican-backed law will take effect on September 1, starting when online platforms will be under obligation to register and verify the age of all users.

This will apply if “more than a third” of content on the platforms is considered “harmful” or “obscene.”

But FIRE believes this is a form of pressure to make sure sites collect biometric and ID data from adults in Texas as they access what is lawful (to them) content.

Hence the case, Students Engaged in Advancing Texas v. Paxton, where FIRE is suing state Attorney General Ken Paxton on behalf of four plaintiffs that the group says would have their rights threatened by the SCOPE Act – unless the US District Court for the Western District of Texas issues declaratory and injunctive relief.

In other words, FIRE wants the judges to stop the enforcement of the law, which the filing brands as unconstitutional.

Said FIRE Chief Counsel Bob Corn-Revere: “In a misguided attempt to make the internet ‘safe’, Texas’ law treats adults like children. But even minors have First Amendment rights. Whether they’re 16 or 65, this law infringes on the rights of all Texans.”

This is by no means a sole voice expressing disagreement with the idea that more, and more invasive online censorship and surveillance will result in better protection of children.

Senator Rand Paul has penned an opinion piece where he goes after the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), which has raised privacy, censorship, and digital ID concerns among civil rights activists.

According to Paul, what motivated those behind the legislation to come up with it is not questionable, but the actual bill falls short to the point where it “promises to be a Pandora’s box of unintended consequences.”

The senator notes that those pushing the bill insist the goal is not to regulate content, but he believes online platforms would face unprecedented demands regarding mental health harms, like anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.

However, Paul believes – “imposing a duty of care on internet platforms associated with mental health can only lead to one outcome: the stifling of First Amendment–protected speech” while at the same time empowering “speech police” to “silence important and diverse discussions that are essential to a free society.”

Paul speaks in favor of making sure those protections continue to apply and suggests coming up with “clear” rules for platforms, allowing them to comply with the law.

But KOSA, according to him, “fails to do that in almost every respect.”

The senator sees it as (yet another) bill that is too vague for (legal) comfort, so much so that “many of its key provisions are completely undefined.”


Although a lower court had dismissed the case, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has decided that Google will have to go to trial after all, for allegedly secretly collecting data from Chrome users, regardless of whether they chose to sync information from the browser with their Google account.

The class action lawsuit, Calhoun v. Google LLC., accuses the tech giant of using the browser, by far the most dominant in its market, to collect browsing history, IP addresses, unique browser identifiers, and persistent cookie identifiers – all without consent.

The case was initially filed in 2020 and then dismissed in December 2022, but now the appellate court – in a ruling signed by Judge Milan D. Smith Jr. – said that the decision failed to take into account, looking into Google’s disclosures, i.e., the privacy policy agreement, “whether a reasonable user reading them would think that he or she was consenting to the data collection.”

The plaintiffs are certain this was in fact happening without explicit permission, and consider the way Chrome was set up to work in this context is “intentional and unlawful.”

Google on the other hand defended its actions when the case was originally filed by saying that explicit permission happened when users accepted its privacy policy. The lower court judge, Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, accepted this argument to dismiss the case, saying Google’s disclosure about the data collection was “adequate,” and therefore had the users’ consent.

According to Judge Smith, despite its general policy, Google was pushing Chrome “by suggesting that certain information would not be sent to Google unless a user turned on sync.”

Interestingly enough, Google is removing the sync option from all versions of Chrome – after iOS, this will now be the case on desktops and Android as well. All it will take is to sign into the Google account on Chrome to link the data from the browser to the account – although signing in is not mandatory, at least for now.

A Google spokesman who commented on the decision of the court of appeals – which sent the case back to a lower court – confirmed that the change “is not related to the litigation.”

As for the litigation – “We disagree with this ruling and are confident the facts of the case are on our side. Chrome Sync helps people use Chrome seamlessly across their different devices and has clear privacy controls,” claims Jose Castaneda.


The push to develop digital ID and expand its use in the US is receiving a boost as the country’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is launching a new project.

NIST’s National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) has teamed up with 15 large financial and state institutions, as well as tech companies, to research and develop a way of integrating Mobile Driver’s License (mDL) into financial services. But according to NIST, this is just the start and the initial focus of the program.

The agreement represents an effort to tie in yet more areas of people’s lives in their digital ID (“customer identification program requirements” is how NIST’s announcement describes the focus of this particular initiative). These schemes are often criticized by rights advocates for their potential to be used as mass surveillance tools.

Now NIST’s initiative brings together this institution and the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA), California Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – Science and Technology Directorate, New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Microsoft.

Among the other participants are companies specializing in digital ID IDEMIA, MATTR Limited, iLabs, SpruceID, and the OpenID Foundation (plus US Bank, and Block Inc.)

They were chosen after submitting a response regarding their capabilities via the Federal Register, and have now received collaborative research and development agreements, known as CRADA.

Those who are now in will work within the project’s three phases, dubbed, Define, Assemble, and Build. The first will set the scope of work along with industry participants, the second should produce teams with members from the industry, government, and academia, while the “Build” phase is to focus on “creating practical modules and prototypes to address cybersecurity challenges.”

They will now collaborate with NCCoE to speed up the adoption of digital ID standards, a press release said, as well as best practices by developing “reference architectures, representative workflows, and implementation guides to address real-world cybersecurity, privacy, and usability challenges faced by the adoption of mDL in the financial sector.”

NIST’s NCCoE itself is set up as a hub dealing with cybersecurity and often works with government, industry, and academia on developing precisely this type of standards.

The call to respond to the mobile driver’s license project collaboration was first issued a year ago, in late August 2023.


This email provider gives onion email addresses:


Take care when creating the username to pull down the domain list and choose the onion domain. That address you get can then be used to receive messages. Unlike other onion email providers, this is possibly the only provider who offers addresses with no clearnet variations. So if a recipient figures out the clearnet domain it apparently cannot be used to reach you. This forces Google and MS out of the loop.

It’s narrowly useful for some situations where you are forced to provide an email address against your will (which is increasingly a problem with European governments). Though of course there are situations where it will not work, such as if it’s a part of a procedure that requires confirmation codes.

Warning: be wary of the fact that this ESP’s clearnet site is on Cloudflare. Just don’t use the clearnet site and keep CF out of the loop.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by soloActivist@links.hackliberty.org to c/privacy@links.hackliberty.org

I have lots of whistles to blow. Things where if I expose them then the report itself will be instantly attributable to me by insiders who can correlate details. That’s often worth the risks if the corporate baddy who can ID the whistle blower is in a GDPR region (they have to keep it to themselves.. cannot doxx in the EU, Brazil, or California, IIUC).

But risk heightens when many such reports are attributable under the same handle. Defensive corps can learn more about their adversary (me) through reports against other shitty corps due to the aggregation under one handle.

So each report should really be under a unique one-time-use handle (or no handle at all). Lemmy nodes have made it increasingly painful to create burner accounts (CAPTCHA, interviews, fussy email domain criteria, waiting for approval followed by denial). It’s understandable that unpaid charitable admins need to resist abusers.

Couldn’t this be solved by allowing anonymous posts? The anonymous post would be untrusted and hidden from normal view. Something like Spamassassin could score it. If the score is favorable enough it could go to a moderation queue where a registered account (not just mods) could vote it up or down if the voting account has a certain reputation level, so that an anonymous msg could then possibly reach a stage of general publication.

It could even be someone up voting their own msg. E.g. if soloActivist is has established a history of civil conduct and thus has a reputation fit for voting, soloActivist could rightfully vote on their own anonymous posts that were submitted when logged-out. The (pseudo)anonymous posts would only be attributable to soloActivist by the admin (I think).

A spammer blasting their firehose of sewage could be mitigated by a tar pit -- one msg at a time policy, so you cannot submit an anonymous msg until SA finishes scoring the previous msg. SA could be artificially slowed down as volume increases.

As it stands, I just don’t report a lot of things because it’s not worth the effort that the current design imposes.


The District Court for the Eastern District of New York has ruled that the US government must reverse course on its policy of warrantless searches of US (and foreign) nationals’ electronic devices as they enter the country.

We obtained a copy of the ruling for you here.

This is not the only court decision on this issue, while this particular outcome, requiring that border agents obtain court-issued orders before performing such searches, concerns the district that is the court’s seat – therefore also a major port of entry, JFK International Airport.

It was precisely at this airport that an event unfolded which set in motion a legal case. In 2022, US citizen Kurbonali Sultanov was coerced (he was told he “had no choice”) into surrendering his phone’s passport to border officers.

Sultanov later became a defendant in a criminal case but argued that evidence from the phone should not be admitted because the device was accessed in violation of the Fourth Amendment (which protects Americans against unreasonable and warrantless searches).

Of course, all these envisaged protections refer to US citizens, and even there prove to be sketchy in many instances. Foreign travelers (even though entering the country legally) are effectively left without any protections regarding their privacy.

Sultanov’s argument was supported in an amicus brief filed the following year by the Knight First Amendment Institute and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, who said that the First Amendment is violated as well when law enforcement gains access to phones without a warrant since it invalidates constitutional protections of speech, freedom of the press, religion, and association.

The New York Eastern District Court’s decision is by and large based precisely on that amicus brief. One of the arguments from it is that journalists entering the US are often forced to hand over their devices.

The court agreed that “letting border agents freely rifle through journalists’ work product and communications whenever they cross the border would pose an intolerable risk to press freedom,” said Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press attorney Grayson Clary in a press statement.

Meanwhile, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said they were reviewing this ruling – and would not comment on what the agency said are “pending criminal cases.”


The online digital ID age verification creep in the US continues from a number of directions, through “recommendations” and “studies” – essentially, the government is nudging the industry to move in the direction of implementing digital ID age verification tools.

At this point, it is happening via various initiatives and legislation, still, without being formally mandated.

One instance is a recommendation coming from the Biden-Harris Administration’s Kids Online Health and Safety Task Force, which is telling online service providers they should “develop and inform parents about age verification tools built into the app or available at the device level.”

The task force is led by the Department of Health and Human Services, HHS (its Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, SAMHSA,) in what is referred to in official statements as “close partnership” with the Department of Commerce.

This initiative is presented as an industry guidance that will ensure the safety of youths on the internet, as well as their health and privacy.

One of the steps presented in the fact sheet refers to age verification. This is a hot-button issue, particularly among privacy and security advocates, considering the methods that would be necessary to prove somebody’s real-life identity online, and that this would have to apply to all users of a site or app.

Yet, the current White House is now “urging” the tech industry to, among other “critical steps” inform parents about developing and building digital ID tools into either apps or devices themselves.

The setting up of the task force and its recommendations are supposed to contribute to Biden’s “Unity Agenda,” while a report released last week talks about an “unprecedented youth mental crisis” as the reason for coming up with these recommendations for families and industry.

The initiative, announced in May, bases its claims about the metal crisis of previously unwitnessed proportions on a report put together by the US surgeon-general and his advisory concerning social platforms.

In addition to “sneaking in” the mention of age verification, the report also talks about the need to enact bipartisan federal legislation aimed at protecting the health, safety, and privacy of young people online.

Another point is urging the industry to advance “action to implement age-appropriate health, safety, and privacy best practices on online platforms through federal legislation and voluntary commitments.”

The documents’ authors from the several departments behind the task force also want platform data to become available to “independent researchers.”


Odysee, the blockchain-based video-sharing service, has announced that it will remove all advertisements from its platform effective immediately.

The company expressed confidence in its innovative monetization programs, which are designed to support creators financially while maintaining the platform’s operational costs. “We don’t need ads to make money as a platform,” the announcement read, highlighting their commitment to creating a more open and creatively free environment.

Odysee’s move comes at a time when many media platforms increasingly rely on advertising revenue, which can lead to conflicts of interest and potential demonetization from pro-censorship activists.

By eliminating ads, Odysee aims to set a new standard for platform independence and user-centric service.

The announcement also pointed to the aggressive advertising tactics employed by platforms like YouTube and others, which Odysee believes detracts from the user experience. “Our approach may be considered niche or unconventional,” Odysee CEO Julian Chandra stated, emphasizing that their model aims to be sustainable financially and uphold an incorruptible user experience.

This strategic pivot is expected to resonate well with Odysee’s user base, who have expressed displeasure with intrusive ads on other platforms. Odysee’s leadership believes that this ad-free model will not only benefit users but also ensure the platform’s sustainability and integrity in the long run.


In the wake of recent riots in the UK, Tobias Ellwood, former lawmaker, British Army reservist and a senior officer in the 77th Brigade, has voiced strong opinions on the role of social media in fueling public disorder. Ellwood, known for his previous support of vaccine passports and online vaccine certificate databases, emphasized the alleged negative impacts of online anonymity in a recent interview.

The UK’s 77th Brigade, officially known as the 77th Brigade of the British Army, is a unit that focuses on non-traditional warfare, including what is known as “information warfare” or “psychological operations.” Formed in 2015, it includes personnel from various sections of the military as well as reservists with expertise in a range of disciplines such as media, marketing, and public relations.

According to Ellwood, the swift spread of misinformation and the organization of disruptive activities are significantly enhanced by social media platforms. He proposed that no one should be able to maintain a social media account without full accountability, suggesting a nominal annual fee to remove anonymity for the use of such platforms as a measure to enforce responsibility among users.

The lawmaker drew a stark contrast between the positive representation of Britain at the Paris Olympics and the destructive behavior of rioters back home, stating that the ease of rallying and mobilizing through social media platforms exacerbates such issues.

“Have we advanced the rules to keep up with how social media is now dominating our society? ” Ellwood remarked, in an interview with GB News. However, the proposal has met with criticism. Benjamin Jones, Director of Case Operations at the Free Speech Union, who also appeared on GB News, argued that such measures could inadvertently harm vulnerable individuals who rely on anonymity for safety and expression. Citing the example of a young ex-Muslim lesbian woman, Jones pointed out that stripping anonymity could sever critical lifelines for those in oppressive situations.

Jones further suggested that the focus on social media’s role in societal issues distracts from deeper, long-standing problems within the country, such as community segregation and integration challenges that predate social media.


The Russian government is intensifying its drive to expand the use of biometric technologies across the nation. This push comes amid growing fears over personal data security, highlighted by a surge in data breaches in recent years. In 2023 alone, RBC, a Russian research agency, reported that data breaches at Russian financial institutions escalated 3.2 times compared to 2022, with about 170 million personal records compromised.

Despite these security challenges, the Russian state has placed a significant focus on biometrics. In 2018, authorities established the Unified Biometric System (UBS), a pivotal element in Russia’s digital infrastructure which was later designated as a state information system. Maksut Shadayev, Russia’s minister of digital development, noted that biometric data submissions have been noteworthy, with figures continuously climbing. As of now, approximately 18 million Russians have comprehensive biometric profiles, with 70 million having submitted some form of biometric data to various state or private institutions, according to Riddle Russia.

However, many Russians are hesitant to embrace this technology. Concerns stem from not only frequent data leaks but also from a general lack of understanding of biometric technologies, which have been evolving in Russia for over a decade. Furthermore, a notable event in September 2023 saw a large number of citizens submitting petitions to halt further biometric data collection following widespread rumors about invasive data capture methods via ATMs and smartphones.

The historical trajectory of biometric data collection in Russia reflects a broad and deep integration of such technologies in everyday transactions and interactions.

Internationally, the government is also extending the reach of these technologies to Russians living abroad, enabling them to access financial services through biometric registration.

Amid these developments, privacy experts and concerned citizens argue for greater scrutiny and a reconsideration of the data collection process.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by c0mmando@links.hackliberty.org to c/privacy@links.hackliberty.org

Russia’s official telecommunications regulator, Roskomnadzor, disclosed on Friday that it has banned the Signal messaging app from operating in the country. This action is part of a wider pattern of widespread repression of information channels that hinder the state’s agenda, in light of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The regulator unmasked the reasoning behind the decision, citing Signal’s “violation of the requirements of Russian legislation which must be observed to prevent the messenger’s use for terrorist and extremist purposes.”

Signal’s trademark feature is its end-to-end encryption, which fortifies the platform against government scrutiny of private conversations. Russian leaders, however, have grown wary of such platforms.

In a series of additional restrictions imposed on media freedom in Russia, the authorities have cornered numerous independent outlets delivering news in Russian that dare to critique the Kremlin. Access to major social media platforms such as X has also been barred. Meta’s Facebook and Instagram have not been spared either.

In response to the Roskomnadzor ban on the Signal messaging app in Russia, users might seek ways to circumvent the restriction and continue using the app:

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): VPNs can help users disguise their internet traffic and appear as if they are accessing the internet from a different country. This can bypass geographic restrictions imposed by a government.

Proxy Servers: Similar to VPNs, proxy servers allow users to access the internet from a different IP address, potentially bypassing censorship imposed on specific services or apps.

Using Signal over Bridges: Signal provides a feature called “Signal Proxy” designed to help users in censored areas access the service. Users can connect via a proxy URL provided by someone outside the censored region, helping them bypass blocks.

Alternative App Stores: Sometimes, apps banned in official app stores might be available in alternative app stores or via direct downloads from trusted sources on the internet.

Encrypted DNS: Using encrypted DNS services can sometimes help bypass blocks that rely on DNS filtering, allowing users to resolve domain names that might be restricted.

Each of these methods has its risks and benefits, and the effectiveness can vary based on the specific technical measures implemented by local authorities to enforce the ban. Users should also be aware of the legal risks involved in circumventing government-imposed censorship.


After almost 2 years, Privacy Guides has added a new Hardware Recommendations section to their website.

Thanks to Daniel Nathan Gray and others for implementing this new hardware guide


We're happy to announce that BusKill is presenting at DEF CON 32.

What: Open Hardware Design for BusKill Cord
When: 2024-08-10 12:00 - 13:45
Where: W303 – Third Floor – LVCC West Hall

BusKill goes to DEF CON 32 (Engage)
BusKill is presenting at DEF CON 32

via @Goldfishlaser@lemmy.ml

What is BusKill?

BusKill is a laptop kill-cord. It's a USB cable with a magnetic breakaway that you attach to your body and connect to your computer.

What is BusKill? (Explainer Video)
Watch the BusKill Explainer Video for more info youtube.com/v/qPwyoD_cQR4

If the connection between you to your computer is severed, then your device will lock, shutdown, or shred its encryption keys -- thus keeping your encrypted data safe from thieves that steal your device.

What is DEF CON?

DEF CON is a yearly hacker conference in Las Vegas, USA.

DEF CON Documentary
Watch the DEF CON Documentary for more info youtube.com/watch?v=3ctQOmjQyYg

What is BusKill presenting at DEF CON?

I (goldfishlaser) will be presenting Open Hardware Design for BusKill Cord in a Demo Lab at DEF CON 32.

What: Open Hardware Design for BusKill Cord
When: Sat Aug 10 12PM – 1:45PM
Where: W303 – Third Floor – LVCC West Hall

Who: Melanie Allen (goldfishlaser) More info

Talk Description

BusKill is a Dead Man Switch triggered when a magnetic breakaway is tripped, severing a USB connection. I’ve written OpenSCAD code that creates a 3D printable file for plastic parts needed to create the magnetic breakaway. Should anyone need to adjust this design for variations of components, the code is parameterized allowing for easy customization. To assemble a BusKill Dead Man Switch cord you will need:

  1. a usb-a extension cord,
  2. a usb hard drive capable of being attached to a carabiner,
  3. a carabiner,
  4. the plastic pieces in this file,
  5. a usb female port,
  6. a usb male,
  7. 4 magnets,
  8. 4 pogo pins,
  9. 4 pogo receptors,
  10. wire,
  11. 8 screws,
  12. and BusKill software.
Image of the Golden BusKill decoupler with the case off
Golden DIY BusKill Print

Full BOM, glossary, and assembly instructions are included in the github repository. The room holds approx. 70 attendees seated. I’ll be delivering 3 x 30 min presentations – with some tailoring to what sort of audience I get each time.

Meet Me @ DEF CON

If you'd like to find me and chat, I'm also planning to attend:

  • ATL Meetup (DCG Atlanta Friday: 16:00 – 19:00 | 236),
  • Hacker Kareoke (Friday and Sat 20:00-21:00 | 222),
  • Goth Night (Friday: 21:00 – 02:00 | 322-324),
  • QueerCon Mixer (Saturday: 16:00-18:00 | Chillout 2),
  • EFF Trivia (Saturday: 17:30-21:30 | 307-308), and
  • Jack Rysider’s Masquerade (Saturday: 21:00 – 01:00 | 325-327)

I hope to print many fun trinkets for my new friends, including some BusKill keychains.

Image shows a collection of 3D-printed bottle openers and whistles that say "BusKill"
Come to my presentation @ DEF CON for some free BusKill swag

By attending DEF CON, I hope to make connections and find collaborators. I hope during the demo labs to find people who will bring fresh ideas to the project to make it more effective.


While authentic videos coming out during this US campaign season show some of the leading actors proving with their behavior that truth can indeed be stranger than fiction (in this case, than any deepfake) – Big Tech continues with its obsession with deepfake technology as a serious threat.

A threat of such proportions, as far as the likes of Meta are concerned – or are pressured to be concerned – that it calls for some fairly drastic measures.

Take, for example, a new patent application filed by the giant, detailing a method of authenticating users by combining vocalization – “and skin vibration.”

… and what? The filing reveals that this is the kind of biometric data which uses not only a person’s voice but also how speaking causes that person’s skin tissue to vibrate.

This level of “creepiness” in biometric information collection and use is explained as a need to solve security problems that come with activating systems only with one’s voice. That’s because, Meta says, voice can be “generated or impersonated.”

But, say some experts, if skin vibration is “a second factor” – then that protects from deepfakes.

Meta doesn’t state if it thinks that what’s true of voice also applies to fingerprints – but the “skin vibration authentication” is supposed to replace both fingerprints and passwords in device activation. Needless to say, Meta insists that “user experience” is improved by all this.

Meta talks about things like smart glasses and mixed reality headsets as use cases where the technology from this new patent can be applied – yet that’s a whole lot of very invasive biometrics-based authentication for a very small market.

For now, those are some of the examples, with built-in “vibration measurement assembly” that makes this method possible, but once there, the tech could be used in almost any type of device – and for different purposes.


The US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit published its opinion in the United States v. Chatrie case, which concerns alleged violations of the Fourth Amendment.

We obtained a copy of the opinion for you here.

This constitutional amendment is supposed to protect against unreasonable (including warrantless) searches.

At the center is Google, and how the giant’s collection of users’ locations, then accessed by others to locate a person, might constitute a violation.

In a 2-1 vote the appellate court has decided that accessing Google location data is not a search.

A court that originally dealt with the case, where location data was used to identify a bank robber. The warrant was based on the mass and indiscriminate surveillance method known as “geofencing.”

In 2022, that court found that data collected and made available to law enforcement does mean a search has been performed in contravention of the Fourth Amendment.

This was viewed as unconstitutional, and the court was not satisfied that (in this case) location information collected this way passed legal muster.

Two years on, Circuit Court judges Jay Richardson and Harvie Wilkinson concluded the search of location data was – no search, at least not in their understanding of the Fourth Amendment. The dissenting opinion came from Judge James Wynn.

Judge Richardson states that the government accessing Google location history of the appellant (defendant in the appeals proceedings) Okello Chatrie “did not have a reasonable expectation of privacy” during the two hours he was “geofenced” by Google – plus, Chatrie “volunteered” it in the first place (by using Google and its location feature.)

The Circuit Court, which extensively cited the 2018 Carpenter v. United States, also seems to go into the meaning of privacy, and possibly try to redefine it. Namely, – do “only” two hours of a person’s life (monitored by Google and then accessed by law enforcement) count? Not really, as the majority opinion put it:

“All the government had was an ‘individual trip viewed in isolation,” which, standing alone, was not enough to enable deductions about ‘what (Chatrie) does repeatedly, what he does not do, and what he does ensemble.”

And – “Chatrie voluntarily exposed his location information to Google by opting in to Location History.”

Apart from future implications regarding geofencing, there’s a life hack hidden in this ruling as well: just to be on the safe side, never opt in to Google’s surveillance schemes.


AT&T is facing severe criticism following a substantial data breach where hackers accessed the call records of “NEARLY ALL” its mobile subscribers, totaling approximately 109 million individuals.

This doesn’t just affect AT&T customers, it affects everyone those customers have interacted with.

In a statement to Reclaim The Net, the telecommunications giant confirmed that the breach occurred between April 14 and April 25, 2024, involving its Snowflake storage. Snowflake, a provider that facilitates large-scale data warehousing and analytics in the cloud, is now under scrutiny for security lapses in the wake of multiple breaches facilitated by stolen credentials.

Recently, the security firm Mandiant identified a financially motivated hacker group, known as “UNC5537” targeting Snowflake users. This has led to a series of data thefts, prompting Snowflake to implement stricter security measures, including mandatory multi-factor authentication for its administrators.

The stolen data includes call and text metadata from May 1 to October 31, 2022, and a specific breach on January 2, 2023. This metadata encompasses telephone numbers, interaction counts, and aggregate call durations, affecting not only AT&T’s direct customers but also those of various mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs).

AT&T took immediate action upon discovering the breach, engaging with cybersecurity experts and contacting the FBI. According to an official statement, the FBI, along with the Department of Justice (DOJ), evaluated the breach’s implications on national security and public safety, which led to delays in public disclosure sanctioned on May 9 and June 5, 2024. The FBI emphasized its role in assisting victims of cyberattacks and the importance of early communication with law enforcement in such incidents.

“We have taken steps to close off the illegal access point,” AT&T continued in its statement. “We are working with law enforcement in its efforts to arrest those involved in the incident. We understand that at least one person has been apprehended.” Customers should take several proactive steps to protect their personal information and reduce potential risks: Be Wary of Phishing Attempts

Hackers may attempt to use stolen data to craft convincing phishing emails or texts. Customers should be cautious about unsolicited communications asking for personal information or urging them to click on suspicious links. Use MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication)

While passwords were not compromised in this breach, enabling MFA where available can enhance security on all digital accounts. Avoid using text messages as a form of account verification. This is when a company sends you a code by text message that you have to use to access your account. It’s much safer to use a 2-factor authentication app. Avoid Using Standard Phone Calls and SMS Text Messages as Much as Possible

Phone carriers, by virtue of their central role in facilitating communications, inherently collect and store vast amounts of metadata related to phone calls and text messages. This metadata, which includes details such as call times, durations, and the numbers involved, can be highly sensitive. Despite its non-content nature, metadata can reveal intricate details about a person’s life, habits, and social networks. Here are some reasons why phone carriers are often more vulnerable to metadata leaks:

Large Data Stores: Phone carriers manage enormous volumes of data daily. Each call or text generates metadata that is logged and stored. The sheer volume of this data makes it a significant target for hackers, and managing its security can be challenging.

Regulatory Requirements: Carriers are often required by law to retain metadata for certain periods for lawful intercept capabilities and other regulatory reasons. This obligation to store data can increase the risk of breaches, as older, possibly less secure systems may be used for storage.

Complex Systems and Integration: The infrastructure of telecom companies is complex and often integrated with various legacy systems and third-party services. Each integration point can introduce vulnerabilities, potentially offering hackers multiple entry points to access and extract data.

Insufficient Encryption Practices: While the content of communications might be encrypted, the metadata often is not. This oversight can leave sensitive information exposed to anyone who gains unauthorized access to the system.

High Value for Surveillance and Advertising: Metadata is extremely valuable for surveillance purposes, as well as for targeted advertising. This makes it a lucrative target for unauthorized actors, including state-sponsored groups and cybercriminals looking to monetize the data.

Delayed Disclosure: Carriers might delay disclosing data breaches due to ongoing investigations or national security implications, as seen in the AT&T breach. This delay can exacerbate the problem, increasing the window during which stolen data can be misused.

Underestimation of Metadata Sensitivity: There is often a misconception that metadata is not as sensitive as direct communication content. This misunderstanding can lead to less rigorous security measures being applied to protect this type of data.

Economic and Technical Resources: Despite having significant resources, phone carriers may prioritize cost-saving measures over the implementation of state-of-the-art security solutions. Additionally, updating and securing sprawling networks can be technically challenging and expensive.

Use end-to-end encrypted apps to communicate instead and encourage family and friends to do the same.

Using apps that offer end-to-end encryption (E2EE) is crucial for maintaining privacy and security, especially in the wake of breaches like the one experienced by AT&T, where call data was exposed. Here’s why E2EE apps are a better choice:

Enhanced Privacy Protection: End-to-end encryption ensures that messages, calls, and files are encrypted on the sender’s device and only decrypted on the recipient’s device. This means that no one in between, not even the service providers or potential interceptors, can read or listen to the content. This is crucial when the metadata (like call logs and contact numbers) is exposed, as the content of the communications remains secure.

Security Against Interception: E2EE is particularly important for protecting against potential eavesdropping. Even if a hacker can access transmission lines or servers, they cannot decrypt the encrypted data without the unique keys held only by the sender and receiver.

Prevention of Third-Party Access: In cases where service providers are subpoenaed for user data, they cannot hand over what they do not have access to. E2EE means the service provider does not have the decryption keys and therefore cannot access the content of the communications, offering an additional layer of legal protection.

Reduced Risk of Data Breaches: If a data breach occurs and encrypted data is stolen, the information remains protected because it is unreadable without the decryption keys. This significantly reduces the risk associated with data theft.

Trust and Compliance: Using E2EE can help companies build trust with their customers by showing a commitment to privacy and security. It can also help in complying with privacy regulations and standards, which increasingly mandate the protection of personal data.

Mitigation of Damage from Breaches: While encryption does not prevent data from being stolen, it devalues the data, making it useless to the thief. This is particularly important in incidents where sensitive information is at risk of being exposed.

Given these advantages, users are strongly advised to prefer communication apps and services that offer robust end-to-end encryption. This not only protects the content of their communications but also serves as a critical defense mechanism in today’s digital and often vulnerable cyber landscape.

AT&T has provided a FAQ page where customers can find out if their data was involved in the breach. It’s important for customers to use these resources to assess their exposure.

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