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Disney+ is making 'Andor' episodes more widely available online ahead of the release of season 2.


Additional scenes and info on Season 2.


After transliterating the coordinates seen in the last two episodes, I am safe enough to say that At Attin is in the vicinity of G'wenee and Dathomir, while At Aytuu should be vaguely in the vicinity of Batuu.

At Aytuu
Grid square: G-15
XYZ coordinates: -403.25, -593.33, (not visible)

At Attin
Grid square: N-6
XYZ coordinates: 285.91, 375.30, 019.82

The XYZ coordinates seems to be fitting with the grid location, if compared to the ones of other planets in the surroundings.

You can get an idea here:

I just updated the respective Wookiepedia.


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Looks fun.

But holy shit, licensed music in Star Wars, smdh


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(Art by Chyche) Obviously, that possibility is long gone in the main continuity, but what about a timeline where Order 66 never happened and Palpatine was defeated that day? Do you think Ahsoka would be the type to want a family (i.e. a partner and children) or do you think she would want to remain single instead of settling down?


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How is The Bad Batch going for all of you?

Enjoying it so far?

Here We Go... (
submitted 10 months ago by to c/

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How's everyone enjoying The Bad Batch thus far?


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Check it out.


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Looks 'ight.

Trailer gets better at the end.


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Jedi do not kidnap.

Adoption is not kidnapping by itself (though it certainly can be in, for example, U.S. history).

The Sith clearly kidnap.

I don't like how The Acolyte is changing this.


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I'm worried about where the series is going.

It's been my favorite series outside of Andor.

But yeah, this does not look good.

(I haven't seen the recent episode though.)


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Check it out.

I like the influence of Daoism on Star Wars and the Jedi religion. Also, they could've brought up the "Don Juan" influence of Star Wars and the Force. Good that the video touched on the New Age crap that inspired Star Wars, of course. Ugh, I hate New Age crap. But hey, it inspired George Lucas and gave us the Jedi so whatever.

Also, I like how they brought up the scene with Qui-Gon Jinn and Yoda in The Clone Wars series.


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I thought they could've done more with this video and they missed a lot besides.

In fact, you could make a whole documentary of this, but it seems that this is the opening to a whole series so I'll be patient.

What influences do you think they could've emphasized here?

What else could they have said?

I feel like there are a lot of things that could've been said here, but it's definitely not a right-wing video and is even a bit... left-wing? Idk. I liked how it didn't try to pander to right-wing chuds. I like that aspect of it, at least.

Actually, on second thought:

Watch this video and keep up with the series sometime.


P.S.: What are your thoughts on what this series may be missing and what should be emphasized?

For me, they could easily bring up the corporatist politics of the Separatists and the nationalist politics of them and the fact there are stuff revealed about the politics of the Old Republic in The Clone Wars CGI series.


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It's pretty good, but I didn't like episodes 6 and 7, though they were good in terms of quality. What I mean is that I personally didn't like them. Everything was wrapped up too neatly for my tastes, though a lot of people enjoyed the last two recent episodes. I will say this: the show certainly keeps you guessing and I like that. And the last two episodes certainly continued that tradition.

I feel that the first four episodes of season 3 were my favorite thus far. Crosshair and Omega shine as usual. I hope they both survive. The others can take a hike lol

(I kid about that last part, but I just find Omega and Crosshair more interesting; plus, I miss Tech already.)


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Honestly, all three were pretty good and well-connected with each other (while still being somewhat standalone). I'm guessing we'll be having either two or even three separate storylines (cutting between Tantiss crew, Omega/Crosshair, and Hunter/Wrecker). There's also the possibility of following Rex/Echo in their own storyline, but then again, that's wishful thinking on my part. I like anthology formats or storylines that have separate POVs throughout the, well, story. Makes things more interesting that way.

Mainly, I miss TCW for the anthology format, but we'll see how season 3 goes as it's already off to a great start.



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Can't wait!


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It's been making waves in the community.

So... amazing. Never seen anything like it.

This, and Hbomberguy's recent video have been great surprises.


It's been a few days, sorry about that!

I'm curious to hear what people thought of the finale (season finale?) of Ahsoka.

I could write a lot about it, but actually found that (for once) Polygon captured my thoughts much better than I would be able to write it myself... Ahsoka never bothered telling anyone it was just the middle of a story

The tag line for that season-review seals the deal for me: "What was Ahsoka, but eight hours long?"

As I mentioned before, as someone who's been a fan of the character for years and consumed every piece of media she's been in, this was simply such a letdown for me.


I was reading an article about Baylan's disappointment in Anakin. As if he wanted Anakin to be the chosen one until order 66. It just occurred to me... Could Baylan be Anakin's father? Or, at least be responsible for Anakin's existence? Maybe he used the force to impregnate Anakin's mom without her knowledge so he could bring forth the "chosen one." He'd have to hold onto that secret for the rest of his life, or Baylan could be held accountable for attempting to manipulate the prophecy, leading to the deaths of billions. Baylan might feel personally responsible for the fall of the Republic and the Jedi. Now, he's obsessed with fixing his mistake. This might be why Baylan knows that Anakin became Vader. Baylan is connected to him personally through the force and maybe also by blood. Baylan probably didn't even need to be near Anakin to know when he turned to the dark side. He could feel it from across the galaxy.

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