My turn to switch into ArchSocks.
Unixporn + ThighHighs
All non-meme pictures must contain a human wearing thigh high socks.
All non-meme pictures must contain a device running a unix-like OS. Android and WSL are not permitted.
No Bigotry, Cissexism, Transphobia , Homophobia, Enbyphobia (anti Non-Binary Gender), Anti-ND (Anti-Neurodiversity), Sexism, Racism, etc. Non-compliance with this rule will result in a ban. The ban may be revoked after a plead.
NSFW post must have NSFW flag.
Framework ones ? Yeah, the last AMD version. I didn't bought any laptop for more than a decade because the last one had GPU issues because of lack of BIOS update. (unusable on Linux or Windows after W10) So I used this laptop for server purpose (good CPU, RAM and ssd) but avoid laptops because dGPU (or overall upgrade) support wasn't guaranteed.