Sun Spots on Our Active Sun - July 2023
A community dedicated to sharing high quality images of space and the cosmos
Include some context in the title (such as the name of the astronomical object or location where it was photographed)
Only images, pictures, collages, albums, and gifs are allowed. Please link images from high quality sources (Imgur, NASA, ESA, Flickr, 500px , etc.) Videos, interactive images/websites, memes, and articles are not allowed
Only submit images related to space. This may include pictures of space, artwork of space, photoshopped images of space, simulations, artist's depictions, satellite images of Earth, or other related images
Be civil to one another
Yes! I didn’t know it was possible. I was on a sunrise walk a few days ago and the sun was coming through a thick haze and I could make out an object in the way of the sun. I thought it might be an airplane or a satellite, but it never moved. Then I thought it might be the planet Mercury, but when I looked it up, it was in the wrong place. Then I found a NASA sunspot tracker, and there it was.