Power supply proje
This is the graveyard of unfinished proje
the holy land of unwholely leet
This is a place for your vibrant work of progre...
Glory to the unshared,
to the dreams turned embarras...
To the moldy napkin thot,
that plant you forgot;
this is a place for spins, (when it shouldn't),
When the glass half full is a leak
any kind of un can be proje
If #todo you finish,
erors u fix,
proje you complet
#todo write rules about not being an ass 4 code of conduct
(moderation policy light and invisible, you see something - flag it, this is your community first - a mod is just the lazy janit...
At one point it was all in KiCAD. This was like 6-8 years ago. I don't recall the details. If I were so motivated, I could just finish the software side. I think almost everything else worked. If I recall correctly, I wasn't happily with this one because it won't dial down below something like 1.5 volts. I'll share another incomplete power supply later that is even more complex and never finished. I have a thing for doing stupid complex stuff that I don't finish. Before I was disabled, I finished stuff; still complex, but very different kinds of projects, mostly car stuff.