Fuck the Green Party
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Shitposting in other comms please!
If being pathetic gets concrete concessions than I don’t really care.
I don’t have any illusions about bourgeoise democracy, I don’t think socialism will come via reform, but there is a chance it can change policy in places and if “”groveling” gets something like an arms embargo implemented that stops the killing of Palestinians than its better than the greens making the democrats lose while they still die.
It doesn't tho.
Just asking to get
For a chance to stop genocide I will be the blockhead
I would too. That chance is still 0%
Alright. Your heart's in the right place and I do not feel like fighting you on this -- to take the advice I myself just threw out, a disagreement on tactics is not grounds to cancel an entire person. So I'd like to end this argument here by apologizing for going in so hot and aggressively at you, comrade. Tensions are high and I imagine we're all really raw and hurt by the great evils we have to watch happening while we ineffectually try to stop them. That's going to lead to friendly fire incidents like this but I try not to lash out at other leftists. We get shitlibs brigading sometimes and I didn't realize you weren't one of them.
Thank you, I’m sorry as well.