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It's costly but sometimes I'll prioritize them and get a +3 before Tengu. I might farm to level 10 on floor 4 and get to it before entering floor 7.
What do you sacrifice for it tho?
Cause all items are valuable
All identified potions that weren't used for a puzzle, except healing and XP of course. All IDed scrolls except ID, remove curse, and transmutation. Stone of clairvoyance and flock I rarely use and is typically energy fodder. I'll buy shop stuff to boil down if I'm rolling in dough. Trinkets like the shard of oblivion and mossy clump will pay back in dividends so unless you're strapped for healing or something, the early investment is worth it.
Samee, but just with the parchment scrap. The mossy clump just doesn't seem as good as parchment (and I often run fireblast) and the shard... Well I've only got it once
My play style uses a lot on alchemy so I prefer the mossy clump. Having grass on the Goo level can really help as well. If you can get past Goo, I find the game is mostly won and the rest is pretty manageable. The clump is probably my favorite at the moment.
Yes, having grass at goo is the best, but the opposite, water, might ruin it
Usually you get a combination of additional grass and water with the mossy clump. At least at +0 or +1. Some grass is better than no grass. With the badder bosses challenge, you really don't want to face-tank Goo.
Yeah ik how badder bosses goo goes... Ig the combination is alr
I mean, I guess it depends on how you look at items
If all they are to you is alchemy fodder then sure, whatever
If the trinket is parchment scrap, then yes, they are alchemist energy