Mysu unofficial - beta builds are available
This is the lemmy community of Monero (XMR), a secure, private, untraceable currency that is open-source and freely available to all.
Android (Cake Wallet) / (Monero.com)
iOS (Cake Wallet) / (Monero.com)
Instance tags for discoverability:
Monero, XMR, crypto, cryptocurrency
I am having trouble with this. There are two artifacts listed. And when I download them, they say they are like 19 megabytes. But when I go to unzip them, they do not appear to have any files inside.
Edit: nvm. It did not show the files in the actual zip archive, but when I extracted it, they were there.
There's probably some problem with your archive tool.. :(
The zip that you need is "apk-arm64-v8a.zip", it has a "debug" folder inside it which contains the APK.
Yep, i got it now