All posts need to have the same title: me_irl it is allowed to use an emoji instead of the underscore _
We're self censoring die now?
I hate the modern Internet.
Don't you mean you h*te it?
It's so cringey.
You mean doe?
A deer
A female deer
It's a considered a naughty word amongst the edgy nine year olds that created this meme
But only because the mere mention of the word will be censored on the major corporate social media platforms that shape those 9-yo's worldviews and opinions and oftentimes functionally raise them instead of their parents doing that.
Social media really is a cancer. If you can't even say a word like "die" because it will potentially upset advertisers, then I guess I'd rather have the internet...die. (That's right, Meta, I dared to say that forbidden word. You better never train your AI on federated content! )