Your Favorite Burr Grinder?
☕ - The hot beverage that powers the world!
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Hell yeah! Bonus points to it for being a serviceable murder weapon!
I have mine dialed in to get 44grams of espresso from 22 grams of beans in ~ 30seconds. With a bottomless portafilter, a WDT, a puck spinner, and a tamper, I NEVER get channeling.
Whoa, that's impressive that you hand grind for espresso. That takes a bit of muscle even with a pretty dark roast I'd guess. I mostly use it for pourovers, but even on a coarse grind, some of those lighter roasted African beans can have me working up a sweat. :)
Oh and a couple of beans always pop out of the top! I've been meaning to custom-fit some kind of lid..
Now, it is indisputable fact that you own one. My girlfriend can’t even remotely fathom the strength to grind her coffee in the morning. When I am injured or sick, the morning coffee is quite a workout!
Hahaha! Yes, I also grind my partner's for her, whenever I'm around... I keep offering to buy her an electric one, but.. then that would be so LOUD... :)