Levy renewal proposition on the ballot
A community for news and discussion of Seattle, Washington and the surrounding area
Right, it's just that in the pamphlet the opposition to renewing the levy claim that the renewal would make the roads/sidewalks/bridges worse
https://cdn.kingcounty.gov/-/media/king-county/depts/elections/how-to-vote/voters-pamphlets/2024/202411/local-edition.pdf?rev=ef6a947716b1404395bf9fab90ac7aa1&hash=51D0D774A84C9BEEA319C4D4FF527B50 Page 19
The Seattle bike blog post goes into it, but basically the "no" voters are being disingenuous by calling the renewed levy both a "huge waste of money" and saying "it doesn't do enough."
Their primary complaint is that "the food is terrible, and the portions are too small."
It can't be both, so I don't read it as earnest disagreement. If they want a bigger levy to do more, they can vote for this one, and push for another one next election season. Killing this one, and then pretending that after a small levy fails that somehow a much larger, "perfect" levy will be put up to vote later and pass? Not likely, and obviously so.
Nah, that's just people pretending to care about safe bridges/roads/sidewalks/bike paths, but who actually just care about their pocket books. They want to use "perfect" to prevent "good," in a very cynical way, and I don't find that compelling.
Got it, thanks!
This is a great example of "Kettle logic", i.e. throwing out every argument and seeing what sticks.