Figuring out which RAM stick is faulty
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Well googling suggested that the problem could be a graphics card driver. So I used DDU to clean the drivers and then I installed fresh ones but it didn't help.
But as I said, the RAM test failed when I did it with all 4 sticks...
Just one error in a full trst run with all 4 sticks? Maybe RAM voltage settings need some tweaking? I don't know how common this is these days, but more RAM generally needed higher voltage to be stable. Usually any kind of RAM issues are pretty frequent though and too low voltage tends to fail at boot.
Yeah 1 error with all 4 sticks.
I never really tinkered with voltage settings.
PC is old, so I wouldn't be surprised if things started dying, I'm mostly just trying to pinpoint the broken part so I can remove it.
Could also be the power supply that is dying..