Figuring out which RAM stick is faulty
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Are you running a ram test or waiting for failure?
A boot disk with memtest86+ is great for putting RAM through its paces.
Sorry, I'm not sure what you are asking... If I'm running a regular test or an endless test until I get an error?
I was just running the default MemTest86 test from an USB stick.
I'll try the 86+, thank you.
Sorry, I missed that in your original post. I think memtest86+ is slightly better, but I may not bother switching.
If you are no longer getting failures, it is possible one of the sticks was loose or had corrosion. The swapping may have "fixed" it.
I would test all sticks together once. If they pass, you are good.
The current Memtest86 is a closed source clone of the original Memtest86, whereas Memtest86+ is a GPL licensed fork of the original
I also suspected that.
Yeah I think I will test them all at once again, maybe with 86+ this time...