The Real Criminals
Comic Strips is a community for those who love comic stories.
The rules are simple:
Web of links
You're not fooling anyone. We know exactly who you are.
You don't know dick. ACAB, and so are other people who cause suffering for their own profit.
You're choosing ad hominem and red herring over humility and questions. That's not sustainable.
We recruit for life. Whenever you're ready we will still be here teaching the same exact lessons we've been teaching for millennia.
No rush. It's not like you're suffering or the planet is dying. Get around to it whenever.
“You aren’t fooling anyone. We know exactly who you are.”
This u?
If I give you a benefit of the doubt then you're a pacifist. Where you're going wrong is in believing that everyone else should also be a pacifist.
Even the Green Party would kick you to the curb. You're a lone wolf that'll stagnate in neoliberalism like all the other lone wolves. It's a net negative to engage. Even if you wanted to learn the majority would turn you down because a Trump supporter would be a better prospective student.
Remember: You'll always be judged by the quality of your questions.
Good luck.