Depends on how and/or if you want to curve future changes. Going 1e5.9, 1e5.8, 1e5.7, ... will curve logarithmically, while 9e5, 8e5, 7e5, ... will curve linearly within each power of ten, then get a discontinuity at 1e5 and go 9e4 and scale linearly at a different rate.
Of course, you'll have to be an absolute nerd to find that a problem and there's a nonzero chance that I'm such a nerd and I just admitted my guilt ๐
Depends on how and/or if you want to curve future changes. Going 1e5.9, 1e5.8, 1e5.7, ... will curve logarithmically, while 9e5, 8e5, 7e5, ... will curve linearly within each power of ten, then get a discontinuity at 1e5 and go 9e4 and scale linearly at a different rate.
Of course, you'll have to be an absolute nerd to find that a problem and there's a nonzero chance that I'm such a nerd and I just admitted my guilt ๐