[OPEN] [GOG] Overcooked! 2
A Lemmy community designed to allow gamers to spread the love of gaming. ~giveaway~
Q: I founded someone doing fake giveaway what do I do?
Q: How do I create giveaway?
Q: List of Flairs?
A: [GOG], [STEAM], [ITCH] : Platform where game is available. You can also do giveaway for any platform just add the name of it in Post title.
[OPEN]: For ongoing giveaway.
[CLOSED]: For closed giveaway.
Q: How to choose a random winner? A: Use Random.org or your any favorite random picker website.
It's one per active Amazon Prime account. You can get Prime for free, claim all the games and then cancel, but for someone who can't be bothered (or maybe is actually unable to do so) then I have my key which I don't need.
Thanks for further clarification fren.
Wait, what? I'm a Prime subscriber. I already have the game, but can I get a free key for it somewhere?
Yeah, go to the link in my link and it should have a claim button, for GOG giveaways this just gives you a code which you can instantly redeem or give away.
Thank you! I had no idea.
I don't suppose you could just unclose this one so I can give my key away? While being lazy myself....
Many thanks.