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Sustainable Tech
Sabaidee, Welcome!
This is a community for promoting sustainability in tech and computing. This includes: understanding the impact that our tech/computing choices have on the environment; purchasing or re-using devices that are sustainable and repairable; how to properly recycle or dispose of old devices when it is beyond use; and promoting software and services that allow us to reduce our environmental impact in the long term, both at work and in our personal lives.
This isn't a competition, it's a reminder to stay grounded when making your decisions. Remember: The most sustainable device is the one that you are already using.
- Stay on-topic. Everything from sustainable smartphones to data centers and the green energy that powers them is fair game.
- Be excellent to each other.
Note: This is hosted on Lemmy at SDF. If you are browsing from the larger Fediverse, search for
and hit the Subscribe button.
You might want to check the weather API you're using, as it was returning wildly inaccurate results for Melbourne,Australia (12C instead of 23C currently).
Edit: looks like it's returning the results for Melbourne, Florida, so I guess you need to make sure you include the country
I'll make country a mandatory field. Thanks!
I had entered the country, it just wasn't sent to the weather API or something.
Gotcha - I'll try and chase the issue down.