this post was submitted on 12 Mar 2025
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After no response to any of my 3 replies, I've curated your thread comments by deleting them, then posting them in different posts so that others can more easily find them by the correct category:
Bipolar Disorder Management:
Mental Health Treatments:
Nutritional Support:
Immune System & Infections:
Next time, please provide resources to the proper posts to avoid potential confusion and allow others specifically seeking them to more easily find them.
Hey, 3rd and final reply here!
If I don't hear from you in 3 days (72 hours), then I will assume you are in agreement and will curate your thread by copying it verbatim to the appropriate posts, then deleting this thread.
Can you provide a citation for this?
Since most of these are specifically for bipolar disorder, I'm wondering if it would serve others better if it was its own, separate post.
My rationale is that I don't want people who are seeking resources for bipolar disorder to not be able to find it because it's nested inside a thread about PTSD, and I don't want someone who is seeking resources for PTSD to get confused by resources for bipolar disorder.
Let me know what you think.
Hey, just following up!
I'm considering copying & pasting your resources to new posts for bipolar disorder and general health. Then, deleting this thread.
Thank you so much for all of this! 🥺 I'm so glad others are sharing resources, too.