When you realize you found the player-characters.
Humor, jokes, memes about TTRPGs
Have you ever thought about hiring a writer? I love almost everything about your work: the characters, the art style, even the visual qualities of the spoken text!
But the "story"? Not so much. And I don't hate it or anything. I just feel like each end panel could be punched up a little. It's clear you're going for the classic comic format, but each ending just falls flat a bit.
Anyway, that's just my opinion. The only reason I write this at all is I feel your comic could go from good to incredible with just a little writing help. I'm not an expert though, so that's just my opinion!
I know you’re trying to help, but do you understand how much negative comments like this tend to stick in a person’s brain? They’re doing their best, and although you intended to be helpful, your intention doesn’t matter much if the outcome is that they feel crappy.
He gave constructive criticism. It is not his responsibility to keep someone else's thoughts healthy.
Don't publish things without any sort of disclaimer if you don't want feedback that is not purely positive.
The "constructive criticism" here is "stop making your own stuff and pay someone else to do it for you".