The dreaded ring (by Pedro Arizpe)
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How can you even say that? If that's how you live, no doubt this philosophy causes you issues at least once a week. You'd rather know that [insert major life event] happened...later... and instead of finding out immediately and confirming it/responding to it, you can try to call them later only for it now to be a hassle because they're not answering, and the only email you have goes to some dumbass ai bot. Yeah so much more convenient than picking up a phone on occasion, when it's important
Or the exact same thing happens and you can't even get a response to them because you're relying on a synchronous mode of communication which requires both parties to be engaged at the same time ....
Or you could just send them a message and they'll see it when they look.
Try texting your 80 year old landlord... being a little flexible isn't the chore some of you insist
If he wants his rent money he'll figure it out