Lemmy v0.19.0 is introducing some breaking changes that, if I add support for in Photon, will break compatibility with instances before v0.19.0. If I don't add support for v0.19.0, instances with that version or higher will break. How should I proceed?
A: Keep an old version of photon available for people who need to use a pre-0.19.0 instance (medium difficulty)
B: Add a message to login saying the instance must be v0.19.0 or higher, nuke all backwards compatibility (easiest solution)
C: wait until most instances are on v0.19.0 to proceed with B
D: Add code to handle different versions (hardest solution)
I'd prefer that people be able to rely on Photon, and anything that prevents them from doing stuff on photon I see as a catastrophic issue. A looks the most appealing right now.
I would just do B.
~~I have photon set to auto update on lemmy.ca so it would break ours until I upgrade lemmy, but that still seems reasonable.~~
Edit: I lied, I guess I never set that up after all. Still seems reasonable.
How often does it auto upgrade? I noticed that photon.lemmy.ca is on V1.4.2 while the current version is V1.9.4. Are builds failing?
A few quite large bugs are on v1.4.2
Yeah it doesn't. I was thinking of something else.
I'll update it now though ๐
Aww yiss, my instance admin is on top of it ๐
forgetting to update not withstanding
Edit: subscript formatting doesn't work right with sentences ๐ค
How did you think you had it set to auto-update? Just curious how people have their Photons set up
I use https://github.com/containrrr/watchtower