The first computer I ever worked on had 8KB of core memory. It was an old Digital Equipment Corporation pdp-8/e. I loved that machine and its open face tale drives and teletype with paper tape punch and reader and card reader.
It really is. They did so much more with so much less back then. Their code was massive but had zero fat. So much of our software now consists of self-celebration.
The memory in the two Voyager spacecraft - still in operation more than 45 years after launch, now more than 4 times farther from our Sun than Pluto's mean orbit - is core. Poke around in
Hard to believe that got us to the moon
It really is. They did so much more with so much less back then. Their code was massive but had zero fat. So much of our software now consists of self-celebration.
The memory in the two Voyager spacecraft - still in operation more than 45 years after launch, now more than 4 times farther from our Sun than Pluto's mean orbit - is core. Poke around in
That's awesome. It's lasted longer than modern flash does.