In-universe is an attack pattern of jumping to maximum warp (possibly to dodge weapons fire as well) to point blank range of an enemy vessel, and unloading all available weapons before they can react. Picard described it as a desperation measure he used while in command of the Stargazer in combat with a Ferengi ship.
In pop-culture, it's standing and pulling a shirt down to present a clean front. The two-piece TNG uniforms had elastic bands at the waist and would ride up while sitting, so Picard would stand from his chair and straighten his uniform every time.
Also, I honestly go back and forth between which is my favorite series: TNG or the original. I've been itching to start another rewatch of the original series lately...
So? Like. What IS the Picard Maneuver? I only watched the 60s Kirk ST series.
Officially, "The Picard Maneuver" is a trick that Picard came up with to fool enemy sensors into seeing two ships and not knowing which to fire at.
Unofficially it's the way Picard always awkwardly readjusts his uniform (which is what my profile pic is). He does it constantly.
There was also a Riker Maneuver, which was unofficially the way that Jonathan Frakes stepped over the back of a chair to sit down.
That gif is improved with DJO's gun loading sound.
Needs more Zeppelin and cheddar cheese.
Well I love this. Thanks for the educating and all the great memes!
My pleasure, moistclump.
In-universe is an attack pattern of jumping to maximum warp (possibly to dodge weapons fire as well) to point blank range of an enemy vessel, and unloading all available weapons before they can react. Picard described it as a desperation measure he used while in command of the Stargazer in combat with a Ferengi ship.
In pop-culture, it's standing and pulling a shirt down to present a clean front. The two-piece TNG uniforms had elastic bands at the waist and would ride up while sitting, so Picard would stand from his chair and straighten his uniform every time.
🌈 ⭐️
It's when Janeway steps over a chair on her way to murder Tuvix.
Also, I honestly go back and forth between which is my favorite series: TNG or the original. I've been itching to start another rewatch of the original series lately...