xkcd #2846: Daylight Saving Choice
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I support a move to 24 hour time. I'm sick of waking up from a nap checking the clock to see if I overslept, and it's like "It's 5." 5 what? Did I sleep 1 hour or 13?
Can't check the sun. I live in the north. The sun lies.
Why don't you just set your clock to 24h? I've never had a digital clock without that option
Some of my clocks have the option, some don't. I find it inconvenient to have different clocks set to different things making my brain have to mentally convert between eachother. Not to mention having to mentally convert the time every time I need to give a time to somebody else. It'd just be easier if the whole world was on 24 hour by default.
In most of the world, 24h is the default. Though being able to convert is still necessary, since analog clocks still exist. It really isn't too difficult to get used to.