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Welcome to the wholesome side of the internet! This community is for those searching for a way to capture virtue on the internet.
whole·some meme hōl-səm\mēm
A meme that promotes health or well-being of body, mind, and/or soul.
A meme that is pure of heart, devoid of corruption or malice, modest, stable, virtuous, and all-around sweet and compassionate.
A meme that conveys support, positivity, compassion, understanding, love, affection, and genuine friendship by re-contextualizing classic meme formats, and using them to display warmth and empathy.
A meme with no snark or sarcasm that displays genuine human emotion and subverts a generally negative meme to be more positive.
Definition of a meme/memetics A way of describing cultural information being shared.
An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non genetic means, especially imitation.
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Plot twist: They create a spoiled child who never learned how to deal with the sting of disappointment and thus seldomly learn from their mistakes...
I realize you're making a funny but I wanted to point out just in case anyone took this comment seriously, this is not how any of this works. Being positive about your child's accomplishments doesn't spoil them. It's setting them up for false expectations that does it.
Yea, that's why it requires the plot twist. Though cheering on non-accomplishment like mid performances or roles like trees, is a good way to set the false expectation of receiving praise for effort instead of accomplishment.
Though that lesson can be good or bad depending on what they learn about effort. If they think all effort deserves praise, that's bad.
I don’t think you’ve got it here bub. All effort does deserve praise. If your kid tried their best in an audition and is a tree and they continue to try despite it not being what they want either, then you praise them for trying so hard to be an awesome tree.
If your kid isn’t trying, you aren’t praising effort anyway.
Maybe there’s 5 kids that excel at drama in their 1st grade class. Who knows why. But if they tried and are a tree, so be it.
Nah, you're imagining a hateful parent. Stop taking uncharitable interpretations. My expression is off explaining a joke. Do not be so hateful as to assume I would boo children participating in a play.
This is in the context where it'd be bad to praise. I'm explaining a subset of the situation. Of fucking course honest, actual involvement where they're trying deserves praise. That was not the situation being discussed. Good job assuming intent on a joke.
I at least qualified my explanation with "plot twist". It seems some of you are too stupid to realize I was not promoting my joke as the more accurate take. Sad.
If you have to explain your "joke" this much, then you should consider the fact that maybe it's just not funny.
Nah, you guys are just triggered morons who think I abuse children, when THE ENTIRE JOKE requires the negative outcome to be unexpected.
Fucking grow up and realize the real world is full of uncouth things. You didn't like a crass joke. Fucking grow up.
Nah. I love crass jokes, but even after reading your 3 different attempts to explain it, I still don't understand what you think is funny, or even what part of it you think is the punch line.
That's because you took a joke seriously. A joke that had hints it wasn't serious. Sad.
Wow, if you have kids, I hope you don't treat them that way. You'll be setting them up with the expectation that their best will never be good enough.
Good job completely and utterly failing to realize what the words "plot twist" means. Genuinely pathetic.
Every day more and more child development research shows that one of the worst things we can do to our children is discourage them when it comes to participation. Even in jest these sentiments only perpetuate harmful childrearing.
Mine was a joke emphasizing the other extreme and getting the unexpected. If you take a joke response to a joke seriously, it is not my problem.
Furthermore, the joke is only really a joke if the result is unexpected. You are ironically implying a spoiled child is a reasonably possible outcome when you act so offended over the mere implication.
Your joke is only perpetuating ignorance and it is only really a joke because of that ignorance.
Someone criticizing your words or actions does not equal someone being offended.
Wrong. The joke isn't a twist if it's an expected result.