wefwef is so good it should be an app and not a web app
wefwef is now Voyager! Subscribe to !voyagerapp@lemmy.world.
I think it works perfectly as it is now except for the Safari bug where swiping back a page makes it refresh the page and force you back to the top of it. I guess there’s nothing the wefwef devs can do about it but damn it’s annoying.
I never experience what you’re describing. You installed the web app to your Home Screen as instructed and you’re not just using it inside Safari, right?
Yeah I did that. But I’ve always had this issue even when using Safari by itself so I know it’s not a problem with wefwef. Safari just doesn’t seem to cache previous pages correctly for me.
Interesting, are you running on older hardware?
No. I got a iPhone 13 Pro.
Even more strange then. I’m using the same hardware and haven’t experienced that in either wefwef or general browsing in Safari.
Comments collapsing is not nice and snappy. Compare it to jerboa. These kinds of animations really make the experience feel slow.
It's very snappy for me on iOS, perhaps you have to re-"install".
Have you tried re-adding it to your home screen?