Jellyfin Roku 2.0.0 To Be Released Monday!
Current stable release: 10.10.3
Matrix (General Information & Help)
Matrix (Off-Topic) - Come get to know the team and blow off steam!
Matrix Space - List of all the available rooms on Matrix.
Discord - Bridged to our Matrix rooms
Anyone know what'll be included with this? I tell people that use my server to use it with a Roku since that usually gives the best experience on a TV.
The full list is SUPER long (we did a ton of work on this release), but here are some of the highlights:
Nice, I switched the main TV to Google TV, but my other den TV still has a Roku client, can't wait to see how this works on it.
For me I love the Roku client, but the lack of support for embedded subtitles was killing me for my local rips :(