Covid: It's That Bad
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At the school I work at, not 1 teacher uses masks in classes / meetings. Only if they suspect they have covid or the flu.
Many times, I see them sniffling (or with other signs of flu / cold) and they are in closed spaces without any mask.
Makes my blood fucking boil.
Mostly because I keep hearing them criticizing students, for how uneducated and stupid they are, but then they are the ones setting these examples.
People can sniffle plenty and not have the flu or another illness. Once you have become an adult, and pay attention, it is really easy to tell the difference. I frequently get allergic response to various things. Even when medicated, there is still a slow trickle.
Maybe you should trust people, he probably knows of if it is allergies or the flu more than you do.
I guess what you're saying makes sense. But some of those times, they complained about headaches and fever. I mean, it is easy to spot when someone is actually sick vs. someone has allergies. Regardless, in my country, it is not the "season" of allergies.
You see teachers call kids stupid?
Almost every single day.
They complain about students, but then I see them doing the same shit.