Leaky Blood Vessels: Underlying Cause of Long COVID “Brain Fog” Discovered
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Holy shit I had a mild case of COVID with headaches as my only symptom. I then had long COVID and couldn't think straight, forgot words all the time, had trouble finishing sentences. It's terrifying to think this is why that was happening but it tracks because every time my feet got cold during that same time period one of my toes swelled up. Probably the same thing happening in my foot and my brain.
Oh wow I've been blaming alcohol abuse on brain fog. I quit drinking last year but still can't remember words all the time, same with finishing sentences. Struggling with being articulate all the time. And this all started during covid.
That could be long COVID but it could also unfortunately be the after effects of heavy drinking. Did your brain issues start after you had COVID?
Yeah which would be quite the cost of coincidence if it is alcohol related after introducing the variable of covid. I'm healthy now, perfect liver function after blood tests. I mean I still might have lingering effects of alcohol abuse.
This is terrifying. I am 8 weeks in after testing positive. A blood exam reveal no more viral or bacterial infection but I still experience some anxiety and brain fog, today was one of those days (yesterday was an awesome day on the other hand).
I get cold hands all the time when I am starting to feel unwell.