Leaky Blood Vessels: Underlying Cause of Long COVID “Brain Fog” Discovered
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I’ve been waiting since 2021 for my sense of smell and taste to come back :(
Apologies if you've already tried this or something similar, it doesn't work for everyone, but I got mine back by using essential oils to retrain [edited as my phone autocorrected to 'restrain'] my olfactory system. After over a year of my food tasting like trash, or like it was off, and a dangerous incident (with a trip to A&E) where my brain fog meant I left an unlit gas oven on all night and couldn't smell it until I'd already got carbon monoxide poisoning (thankfully mild and temporary), I regained my smell and taste in about a week. Here's an article about it, it links to a charity that works in the field of loss of smell : https://www.saga.co.uk/magazine/health-wellbeing/treatments/smell-training-for-anosmia
Edit: if the down votes are because people think this is alternative medicine or woo, it isn't, it's a technique used in conventional medicine clinics. Try reading before you down vote.
Speaking only for myself, what really threw me off was the following:
I think that if I'd realized that you meant to say "retrain" here instead of "restrain", I would not have been so quick to initially dismiss it as obviously nonsense.
Yeah that's my phone autocorrecting. I'm not sure why anyone would think I meant 'restrain', but oh well. I'll edit, thanks for pointing it out.
The Bhagavad Gita spends a lot of time extolling the importance to spiritual life of controlling the senses with the goal of restraining them, and in particular this is a precept of the Krishna Consciousness cult.
Oh wow, TIL. Yeah I am not a fan of them. Urgh.