First time composter. I've filled my bin like three times over by now and haven't taken any out. Just keeps compressing and there is always room for more kitchen scraps
Oh man, ain't that true 😂 I made my first batch lost year, and it literally lost ⅔ the size, and it was a piddly amount lol, but it was really nice, very loamy
I went a little heavy and used mulch, haven’t worried about keeping things super small, and have even been tossing in entire weed clumps and leftover fruit rines.
So I’m not expecting it to be done until next summer. We’ll see how many more times I get to fill it up lol
Oh yeah, I'm not one to really break my stuff further down, I just make sure I do a couple layers and wet it when I'm done with that layering process, I'm not going to use compost I make this year, it's gonna go through this whole year until I even think about putting it in my garden area
Oh man, ain't that true 😂 I made my first batch lost year, and it literally lost ⅔ the size, and it was a piddly amount lol, but it was really nice, very loamy
I went a little heavy and used mulch, haven’t worried about keeping things super small, and have even been tossing in entire weed clumps and leftover fruit rines.
So I’m not expecting it to be done until next summer. We’ll see how many more times I get to fill it up lol
Oh yeah, I'm not one to really break my stuff further down, I just make sure I do a couple layers and wet it when I'm done with that layering process, I'm not going to use compost I make this year, it's gonna go through this whole year until I even think about putting it in my garden area