So how long until we see a real push out of these areas into one's less likely to experience dangerous climate change events, and how are we going to deal with it when the inevitable fight for natural resources start to affect the wealthier nations? It's a crazy time to live in. I feel awful for these people. The heat is the absolute worst. This is death heat. Dealing with that just cause they happened to be born somewhere. Ugh.
Musings and discussion surrounding the end of human civilization
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Climate change-induced migration began long ago. Since 2008, around 20 million people annually relocate as a result of changing climactic conditions. About a quarter of those migrate to other countries.
Of course. I suppose i was not really thinking.
I guess my general idea is when are we gonna treat the situation as mission critical and these places are completely emptied out and what that's gonna look like in an actual resource war. I know the war is already happening and we have major player dug in, but for the average person in say the u.s., does not actually feel the urgency necessarily . I dunno. I'm just thinking about the future and how it will play out and what it'll look like in say 100 years.
Often, a society's awareness of mission critical issues is shaped by the language used to describe such events. And things never go well when urgency and denial are given equal value in the public arena.
In 100 years, the earth will be completely different. I am sad for the young who will live to see it all go down.