Crazy it's dead at 87k, what kind of riding do you do?
I've no direct high mileage exp with your other choices, but i'd probably go the suzuki route.
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Crazy it's dead at 87k, what kind of riding do you do?
I've no direct high mileage exp with your other choices, but i'd probably go the suzuki route.
Commuting and recreational; no track or racing. I think I've only ever hit the red line a handful of times, and I'm usually 2-4k rpms below it.
Jez, that's crap, my old f2 cbr600 did pizza delivery for ten years and still ran fine when I parked it, no idea my mileage, kept breaking clocks.
I wonder are you just unlucky with this one engine? if you're not trashing the bike, buy which ever one you like the best, regular oil changes and they really should go for a very long time ridden like that.
A guy that claimed to be very familiar with that engine indicated that the problem is the design of the piston heads. He said that they have very short skirts, and as the rings wear, the piston head twists and pushes the skirt into the wall, causing the wear lines I'm seeing. The solution--once/if I can get the cylinders re-plated--is to replace the pistons with something like Wiseco. Or if I need to replace the entire engine (because you can't just replace the top of the crankcase, it has to be replaced as a complete unit), then do the same to prevent it from happening.
If your engine is substantially identical to mine, then you might see the same wear pattern in the cylinders with a borescope.
Also, FWIW, I called a place near me that was suggested for machining services (they actually send crankcases out for replating), and when he heard the mileage, he was surprised that I'd put that many miles on it. I guess most people just don't put that kind of mileage on motorcycles. :\