A Community for posting the Siri's AI generated stories.
๐ณโ๐ HAPPY PRIDE 2024! ๐ณโ๐
Since this is a new community, the rules may shift a bit depending on how folx here behave. For now, they are:
Rule 1 - Don't be a dick
This includes any kind of trolling, baiting, etc. Be respectful, even when disagreeing. Bigotry may result in an instant permaban.
Rule 2 - All posts must be Siri AI Story screenshots
Please don't post text as the main link-- although this is encouraged for the post summary for accessibility purposes.
Rule 3 - Keep posts and comments relevant
This is a place for to share and discuss Siri's Stories
Rule 4 - No misleading or non-descriptive titles
Posts linking to articles should use the article title. Self-post titles should be detailed but brief.
Rule 5 - This is not an Apple hate community. Keep comments relevant and civil
Like Apple or hate them, this is a community to discuss Siri's AI1-generated stories and to discuss them. This isn't an Apple-hate community, and excessive Apple-hate and/or trolling won't be tolerated (see Rules 1, 3).
Rule 6 - No low-effort / spam posts or comments. No meme posts, but relevant meme comments are permitted
Try to be thoughtful in your posts and comments. Comments like "this!" add nothing and are what the upvote button is for. These are considered spam, and will be removed. Meme posts aren't allowed, but meme comments are ok if they're relevant.
Rule 7 - No referral / self-promotion / affiliate links, personal voting / campaigning / funding, or selling posts or comments
This community is for discussing Trek, not you or your business/website/etc. These are considered spam, and will be removed. Repeat offenses may result in a ban.