This has been taken care of. Sorry for the delay after the initial report. :)
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Thank you!
I have already reported this community to the tchncs instance admins and they're looking into it. Got a response like an hour ago
Good to know, thank you.
That's funny, just blocked the mods and community. Dunno about anyone else, but I'm getting really tired of all these christofascists stinking up my internet.
Every single post there (except one) is already being downvoted to oblivion. Glad to see.
They keep referring to the KJV. That is how you know that they aren't serious about the bible in the first place. At least use a version that isn't heavily mistranslated.
And then they post ken ham... So now everyone who is somewhat in the picture knows why KJV.
This is not only a horrible community for christians, for the reason noted in this post but it just isn't a community for christians, it is for creationist.
What kind of a community doesn't allow people to talk? No community at all, really.
Creationist clearly
So very Xtian of them to divide everyone into classes. What a pile of shit.