[-] Tartas1995@discuss.tchncs.de 13 points 2 days ago

Imagine, you waste energy by running ai bs instead of just forwarding to the link and by doing so, you make people not click the link, and therefore you don't give the site any opportunity to generate revenue. Effectively, wasting energy and killing the source of the information.

Thanks google.

[-] Tartas1995@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 2 days ago

Who is "you"? I didn't make any such claim. I commented to the conversation that you had with someone else, because I really didn't see any contradiction.

So I certainly didn't imply any of that.

I fail to see how the other person implied it is a good thing. The other person implied it is inconsequential if you don't intend to attack. That isn't good. Whether or not, that statement is accurate, is a different discussion, then whether or not a person implied that it is good.

I don't understand what failure you are talking about but clearly you aren't mistaken in with whom you are talking. But given what you wrote and based on that your understanding of the situation, I don't understand where you see grief in what you think, was written.

I mean, it is valid perspective. You can doubt the existence while welcoming the existence and encouraging it. E.g. i doubt that there is a god, but I think the existence of a god would be good and I would welcome someone to be that god.

Again, I don't see them saying what you think they said but if they did, it would be a valid perspective.

[-] Tartas1995@discuss.tchncs.de 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Where is the contradiction?

What expansion?

Doubting the expansion of NATO.

Why would anyone be afraid of a defensive alliance growing?

Hypothetical question after which context is provided, "when you don't want to invade them?" Asking a hypothetical question is not contradictory to doubting the expansion.

How about trying to join yourself?

I don't understand why you quoted that.

[-] Tartas1995@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 5 days ago

A trans man feels like a man but before at least social transition, they probably don't feel like a man, in the sense that we have been talking about it. Which is why they transition.

It is ridiculous to read this and misunderstand what kind of "feeling like a man" we have been talking about.

I am Talking about trans men because 1. They are men. We talked about men. 2. It is bs, to act like you understand why a trans man wants to social transition but give shit to any (apparently cis) men when they want to have their gender affirmed.

Yes there are toxic men who expect ridiculous things from other people to feel affirmed, and often they are toxic. But this whole conversation is generalizations over generalization to toxic stereotypes. I am highlighting how much bs that is. Fucking treat people as individuals. If they want to meet their boys for a beer and discussing how the process of their different projects is going and what they might be able to do, to feel "manly", then why do you have to be toxic to them? How does that make them insecure? Is my mother insecure when she goes to a girls night?

People should fucking chill and if they want to judge people, be precise. Could you imagine how much the "immigrants are bad" folks would suffer if they had to be precise and explain to the class how their coworker is a good person and hard worker while being an immigrant, but all immigrants are lazy and criminal.

I am sick of the left copying right wing rhetoric. People are individuals and most of them are pretty cool.

So Where was my logic bad? Did we talk about fragile egos? No. We talked about a vague notion of men (not only cis) wanting to feel manly.


I keep hearing about how you shouldn't laugh over your own jokes but when I watch a video or listen to a podcast, I find it much more authentic and likable when they laugh over their own jokes in a conversation. You know, vibes.

[-] Tartas1995@discuss.tchncs.de 187 points 2 weeks ago

"traveling" yikes.

That is one way to say, you think wealth is attractive.

I have traveled quite a bit and I like it a lot, but it is no hobby. For it to be a hobby, I would have to have a lot more money.

Once or even twice a year, is hardly a hobby.

[-] Tartas1995@discuss.tchncs.de 82 points 4 weeks ago

52% of white women voted for trump.

Chances are that many of the people crying about men voting trump, are part of a demographic that mostly voted trump.

Trump apparently won the popular vote anyway. Most of everyone who voted, voted trump. But let's focus on men and then be surprised that young men who are very insecure about themselves anyway, feel attacked by the left and choose the right.

[-] Tartas1995@discuss.tchncs.de 128 points 1 month ago

I was 100% pro-choice but somehow this made me more pro-choice. Wtf...

[-] Tartas1995@discuss.tchncs.de 122 points 2 months ago

It is so weird when people idolize programming languages. They are all flawed and they all encourage some bad design patterns. Just chill and pick yours.

[-] Tartas1995@discuss.tchncs.de 121 points 4 months ago

I guess she is everyone's type 😎

[-] Tartas1995@discuss.tchncs.de 136 points 10 months ago

He thinks saying, I am cisgendered, is hate speech.

He literally wrote other- isms ... Criticism, I guess. He is an idiot.

[-] Tartas1995@discuss.tchncs.de 84 points 1 year ago

With anons social and communication skills, I am not sure if pedo or trying to express that being 14 is the best time of your life.

this really happened. (discuss.tchncs.de)
[-] Tartas1995@discuss.tchncs.de 98 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hey, I can tell you want it does. While I don't know if they try to download something too (while it really doesn't look like it), they are trying to steal your browser cookies.

I haven't removed the obfuscation yet as I am literally in bed but I can tell the general idea of the code.

Onload is a html attribute. Html attribute tell your browser more about what the browser should be doing. So basically onload is an instruction to your browser. By posting those comments, they try to run something called cross site scripting. Basically they want to run their code in your browser without them being the website owner. So now we know the intend of the post, let's look into the details.

Onload is an attribute that tells the browser to do something once it is fully loaded.

Fetch is a function that allows your browser to request additional information from the server. Endless scrolling would be done with that.

String.fromcharcode is just there to hide a little bit. Think of it as a fancy way to say a word. they are saying a website to connect to there.

Then document.cookie are your cookies for that website.

The next thing is probably your username or something.

So what does that mean? They try to make your browser execute their code when the website is onloaded. The code sends your cookies and your username(?) To a server. They probably save the username and cookie and try to steal the account later.

You seeing the code is good evidence that your browser hasn't execute the code as the browser didn't understand it as code to be executed but code to display. So you are probably safe and don't need to worry

Edit: ups sorry for not answering the question. I don't know which client they are targeting. They might or might not be targeting wefwef. But they target you, the user, too. And it is probably for Webbrowser users, so chances are wefwef or other web clients.

Edit edit: some people pointed out that it is not the username but basically the admin status of the account.

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