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Over my dead body.
What is it this week with people asking for things to come to murder as the solution to conflict resolution? You.....Vince telling Shane he'd have to stab him in the heart if he wanted his idea approved.......I'm sure politics will have some of this before November.
Bruh, I'm simply saying I wouldn't want such a change, unless I'm dead, in which case, I wouldn't care. Because dead people tend to care about very little. If you wish to elevate this to attempted murder, all I can say is:
I fight dirty, I hug and kiss!
Now, all that silliness out of the way:
If I had to replace Tazz, it would be with Matt Menard before Don Callis. Not because Carny Hot Dog is bad at commentary, I just like Hot Dog Man as a heel manager that occasionally does commentary much more than as a full-time commentator. I also really like Tazz on commentary, mainly for the same reasons you listed for disliking him. He's also aware that the IWC likes his silly/awkward moments, and he leans into that, much in the same way Jericho's Learning Tree gimmick is rooted (pun intended!) in the criticism he's getting.
Matt Menard
Edit: Oh, you mean daddy magic! I can never decide if I love him, or if he's annoying.
2 attempted assassinations, already there lmao.
But god that Vince-Shane bit was fucking messed rofl.
And can we all admit that for as bad as Tony Schivone was in WCW, he's pretty great in AEW.
He was great in the early Nitro years though. It wasn't until the last couple of years that he openly hated WCW and it showed.
........but Taz needs to go.
Maybe we could just pull a JR on him, bring him out sometimes. I'm not a big fan of the three person booth personally and if I were to kick somebody out of the nest, it's probably Taz.
can we compromise and put veda scott on commentary? :)
.........also yes.
Oh, and to people downvoting Op, downvotes are for off topic, not disagreement!
Instead, comment why you disagree.
Edit: god dammit.
"What are you gonna do, stab me?" lmao
Ikr π
Lmao bound to happen!
I blame you.
My evidence? None what so ever! π