Unironic robert "federal" evans posting? On my leftist site? It's more likely than you might think.
He's a good resource for deep dives into modern fascist movements. Just don't listen to anything he has to say about AES or current socialist/resistance movements
Fedvans will sometimes go on tangents to make snide comments about AES even in episodes that have nothing to do with AES.
I think obscuring the causes of the neofascism movement and sensationalizing the issue is bad enough. The neocon fascists are securely in power and he just goes after their little brother. Fair, but still, bad vibes, he sides with the neocons.
Good to be specific though. The guy works for thr National Endowment for Democracy at Bellingcat.
Robert Evans is like the Demon Core. Don't encase him in solid berilium.
Podcast recommendations, episode discussions, and struggle sessions about which shows need to be cancelled.
Rest In Power, Michael Brooks.