1080x31699 is the ideal resolution
> Greentext
glory to the ffmpeg gods!
Must be why it's taking forever to load
Post be looking like a cvs reciept.
I expected Jessica to be the one who caused the accident that killed Anon's parents, and that's how she became blind.
Good story tho
Didn't know the Joker ended up marrying Bruce in the sequel
I'm not crying, you are crying!
Also, we really need a tag for this.
I am also definitely not crying
Good greentext. I wish I could tell anon that he really does deserve her, he doesn't need to feel so unworthy.
Yea, it always hurts when I see people have such a low sense of self value. Everyone is worthy and deserving of love. If we all understood that about ourselves we wouldn’t have incels or their ilk. If everyone could embrace their innate sense of self worth the world would be a much better place.
It just isn't as easy when you're depressed. You just think that you're not worth anything.
I’ve got major depressive disorder, I know that quite well.
May god help you in reading this.
This post is Jessica's revenge on the sighted
I did, and now it's me who is crying.
Can we appreciate for a moment what a hero his uncle is? I'm feeling so happy for all of them!
im just impressed the whole image is readable since im is used to every website compressing things
So how do I read this? Request taxi clearance to runway 34L?
just zoom in and scroll bruh. sync does that automatically
I know, its just a playful jab at the absolute size of this lad
can't zoom? If not then try opening it in a browser - https://files.catbox.moe/4qxowb.jpeg
I can zoom. I was just trying to be funny with a jab at the absolute size of this lad. I appreciate you!
What kind of porn is this?
fulfillment porn
Every instance has a spez.
I think it's fake. Most blind people have modern smartphones. They are actually great tools for blind people with powerful accessibility features. Just the camera alone with text recognition. No way a blind person in her age would have used a flip phone.
Maybe but if you go off the dates this was posted and take in the about 2 years of time skip in it. I don't think it's at all crazy a blind person in 2017 had a flip phone.
Especially if they've had the flip phone for a couple years at that point too. 2015 flip phone for a blind person is believable.
Best thing Which I ever read. I always think 4-chan is a place for racist and troller but this change my mind.
Just stay away from the site to keep your innocence intact.
how the ios apps rendered this extra long image:
memmy: cannot zoom (cannot read it)
lift off: okay zoom, horizontal stretch
thunder: limited zoom, horizontal stretch
voyager: okay zoom, no distortion
Sync handles it correctly w the image zoomed to fill the screen horizontally
Jerboa: Image failed to load
yeah in the thumbnail but tapping it then works perfectly fine, zooms enough and no distortion
firefox : works
Sync on android : no prob, cuz. I got your back.
Click on it. Zooms in automatically.
Yes it costs money or pushes ads down your throat but it is such a nice app.
This was so good, the whole time I was just yelling to not have a bad ending and ruin my day. I wish my life could turn around like this.
Thought Anon was a lying virgin after she lead him to the bedroom and skipped the events but it made sense at the end
Man, with the shit that I've seen, imma be honest, I did not expect this to be so wholesome
Conspiracy time, she spilled the drinks on him intentionally. She knew what she was doing. Gotta get a slice of Anon.
Fake and gay
If anon cared about self improvement, he wouldn't be on there, but on facebook, making dad jokes
Something bad happened somewhere
Nice crop
I was fully expecting Jessica to die by the end. I was like "aaand cancer?" every couple scrolled pages. The end caught me off guard cuz she was alive and uncle too. I thought the paper bag was cancer, I thought the uncle's letter was cancer. The internet has ruined me. Lmao
What is this a fuckin post for ants