put "allegedly" before "behind"
Canada is not the US's hat. The US is Canada's pants.
Sorry, I just do it out of anti-western contrarianism (not to deny that Modi's gov't is evil, when it comes to its Muslim population, but I see any seperatist movement whose {main support) lays in the western-diaspora, as suspect)
isn't the Khalistani separatist movement fairly based tho? Arising to oppose Hindutva persecution of their ethno-religious group, they oppose Modi's fascist government (supported by the west). Id assume that there are a lot of Sikhs in India who support Khalistan but they aren't as outspoken as those in the west because they'd get killed by the BJP
Modi's fascist government (supported by the west)
You can say Modi’s supported by China or Russia as much as it’s supported by the West
a lot of Sikhs in India who support Khalistan but they aren't as outspoken as those
I highly doubt the amount of Sikhs who support an independent state from India is higher than 10%, this just sounds like typical anti-Indian racism.
You can say Modi’s supported by China or Russia as much as it’s supported by the West
Yeah he's a cunning bastard who tries to play all sides. He for sure is 100% a fascist scumbag leading a Hindu fascist political party (BJP) with plans to ethnically cleanse Muslims and continue making Kashmir into their version of Gaza. A firm supporter of Israel too. This is just scratching the surface of how fucked they are. The citizens of India have long suffered under his government.
Anti Indian racism
Could you please explain this I am genuinely confused as to how.