Wasn't there a video of the taliban in Afghanistan doing this after the American withdrawl? They got a Blackhawk helicopter to go up and then come crashing down killing everyone on board.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxfokYxu8uA news report with a small clip of it.
This could have been incompetence, or sabotage before it was left behind.
This is the sequel to that movie, Up in the Air… Until Not, I think it was called.
I don't know anything about piloting helicopters, but I do know that they are apparently more terrifying to fly rather than to sit in.
This guy doesn't look nearly terrified enough
My brother used to fly single engine airplanes, and I flew with him a number of times.
About all I know about helicopters is that they require a lot more maintenance than airplanes, and airplanes require a decent amount to remain safely airworthy.
I wanna follow the progress
That helicopter will be killing more Syrian rebels than anyone else.
They are clearly memeing
That laugh...
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