a Zionist and a nazi walks into a bar
The Global South
Except Ukraine did not attack Russia and isn't holding any of their civilians hostage
The West Bank has been illegally occupied since 1967, the Gaza Strip has been occupied from 1967-2006 and under a blockade since 2007.
In 2021 Israel committed war crimes against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Israel%E2%80%93Palestine_crisis
The context does help clarify when she said it, but doesn't change the legality of it nor how hypocritical it was.
During that visit she was meeting with Israeli and Palestinian government.
You're just spewing disinformation. First, trying to mislead that this was her recent statement after the recent bombing of Gaza, and now once again that it was just meeting with Israel by suppressing information about meeting with Palestinian government and unlocking aid.
Your post is perfect illustration how disinformation is done: Use true event, release only select information, supress everything else to trigger an emotional response in certain direction (in this case bad EU sentiment).
In this case the goal is to make up that EU=evil, and motivate Europeans to be against it. Our eastern neighbor want us to exit EU and NATO, because then it will be easy to take each European country one by one.
Are you really pretending whatshername knew nothing? 🤡 and if she were ignorant about the reality of the conflict what does that say about EU leadership? Or did it take until Ukraine was invaded for her to realize that occupation and war crimes are wrong?
“Could the EU be racist and hypocritical? No, it is the past and present colonized people who are wrong!”
The EU is hypocritical and complicit in genocide and war crimes. You apply selective humanity, that’s all.