Did you alert authorities?
Meta (lemm.ee)
lemm.ee Meta
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I'm going to go out on a limb and say they and all the other instances that were hit with this attack probably did. Which authorities, I don't know. If this instance is hosted in Estonia then probably Estonian authorities, but it's probably being hosted on the cloud so is it REALLY hosted in Estonia? There are a ton of American and EU users so hopefully the FBI and whatever the EU equivalent is. But honestly cybercrimes can get confusing because of the nature of people and hosting being spread out all over the world and it can be hard to even figure out who to report to.
I don't think they made it onto this server, with the 100kb upload limit in place, that was already a rather low risk. It's a preventive measure. So far lemmy.world was the one deliberately targeted.
Gotta do what you gotta do. Here's hoping the culprits get a swift boot.
That's fucking disgusting. Take any measures you can to prevent that shit from being on the site.
If you're concerned about legal liability I think it's worth noting that there is some protection for websites in this matter. For the most part as long as you're taking "reasonable action" against it you're not liable, and that most laws take into consideration the resources of the site dealing with the uploads.
Not pleasant for users though of course. And the speed at which its handled is obviously a concern.
It's also still something that might need to be litigated in courts, which in and of itself is also a danger for people who can't afford it.
Thank you sir. I appreciate the dedication to the community to subject yourself to the moderation. Hopefully we can squash this before it goes too far, farther than it has anyway..
This is a very good decision, I worried about this problem from the very beginning that I learned about the Fediverse. Research must definitely be done to find CSAM detection tools that integrate into Lemmy, perhaps we could make a separate bridge repo that integrates a tool like that easily into the codebase.
I hope every disgusting creature that uploads that shit gets locked up
I'm genuinely confused on why it's even happening in the first place but I can't say conspiracies aren't spinning in my head. Stuff like Russia having troll attacks to try and stifle a new Internet trend. Or companies like Facebook and Twitter paying people to do this to instill a boogeyman like fear of federated Internet.
I'm not suggesting they're true, but they're one of many confused thoughts as to what's goin on.
That's disgusting! You made the right thing, sorry you admins and mods have to put up with that shit, I hope instance owners that are being attacked are reporting it to local authorities.
Thank you for the efforts you are making. This is a serious situation; more than just dealing with bad actors, you are viewing traumatic images.
Please, for your sanity and well being, prioritize your self care. Things like this linger in the psyche much longer than you would expect.
This sucks, but given the circumstances it's sadly an understandable and necessary course of action.
People like this are despicable
Mastodon/Lemmy should work together on some tool for this, it would probably make it easier, and they both have problems with it now
Thanks for taking care about that.
Honestly, Im bit confused, I can still see image uploads posts like: https://lemm.ee/post/5858721
I guess I was lucky I didnt see morbid posts, just want to be sure Im safe now. Is it safe enough to just browse lemm.ee local?
Honestly, Im bit confused, I can still see image uploads posts like: https://lemm.ee/post/5858721
That is because that image is hosted on another website, in this case roncobb.net.
Well, that sucks i wanted to share some cute pics i took of my cats
How does one disable image uploads on their server? I want to disable it for a while
Thank you for your vigilance and action! 🫡