This reminds me of gephy, what are you using make the graph?
Edit: answered my own question when looked what sub I was in
Unofficial Lemmy community for
This reminds me of gephy, what are you using make the graph?
Edit: answered my own question when looked what sub I was in
Yeah, haha. But 2D graph doesn't suit my needs anymore since I got too many notes and links. If you only display a graph in 2 dimensions - stuff that's not related get squished together and it all starts overlapping. I will make my own program that creates an interactive 3D graph from my notes in the future.
What is PKMS?
Personal Knowledge Management System. It's where people keep their notes, data, keep track of their tasks and projects, etc.
Honestly I have no idea what could lead to having so many things connected to just one big thing. Those must be super small notes or something because otherwise it would have taken forever to create I guess.
I used a custom program I built that takes all of the videos and music from my YT playlist and creates a note for each. Each video is connected to a note called VIDEO since that's their type, same for others. I also have games, websites, movies, series etc.
Ooh is that something you wrote yourself?
Yes. I used yt-dlp, python (will migrate this part to Rust in the future tho) and Rust.
Cool, I actually use obsidian more for studying things like computer science and math where normal notes would struggle because of a lack of links, graph and tags but I'm still trying to improve my organization of notes, I was thinking a giant note of a big topic (like computer science) have every subtopic (that I care about, of course) and then have every note that talks about that topic BY ORDER in which the first note is the one that doesn't depend on other notes on that topic. I could also have big notes that talk on subjects like a book, so there is more structure then a bunch of partial notes scattered around
I am guessing the one big thing might be a Map of Content (basically just a Table of Contents). A big cluster could be all the notes for a project, and all those notes would get listed and linked to in the Map of Content for easy access, and so they get one giant node here.
For example: The south cluster are games and they are all connected to the note called GAME (since that's their type), the 2 smaller subclusters are notes which in addition to being of type GAME are also of types SINGLEPLAYER_GAME and MULTIPLAYER_GAME, some both. Most of the videos, music and games I still haven't linked to anything else so that's what causes those large homogenous clusters.