That sounds an awful lot like a serious crime. Any farmer caught hiding health-related information should probably be in jail, and at a minimum prohibited from growing food for consumption.
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They're caught between a very large rock and a very hard place. It's a tough time in farming and many of them are terrified of taking the financial hit over another "plandemic" virus. I'm not saying they're right, but I get where they are coming from with this.
That having been said--this is serious.
I totally understand. The virus could literally kill their livelihood, and even the perception that their cattle are unsafe would wipe out their value. I am not unsympathetic to their plight, and if there was a government fund to help mitigate the damage, I fully support that.
But hiding diseased cattle is a crime against humanity. It puts everyone at risk, and implicates all beef and dairy, not just their own herd. People will die, not just cattle, not just businesses, and the entire industry will be suspect. The repercussions of disclosure are that they might lose their farm, so the repercussions of hiding it need to be far worse than merely losing their farm.
There might be some animal rights activists who think that the lives of cows are equal to the lives of humans, but none of them work in the beef or dairy industry. There might be some who believe that human lives are not as important as their business, but those are exactly the people who belong in prison.
That's the whole system we've built. Privatize profits, socialize the costs. It's not different from fossil fuel companies hiding the effect of climate change and pollution.
If I was a farmer and I know nobody cares for my family and we may become destitute I would do the same. This is the reason why we need a strong govt. To act as the social safety net. So that farmers can be made full for being honest about outbreaks. Govt needs to run insurance for all this stuff, where every farmer pays a small due and instantly reports when they spot a problem.