The government caused panic. A peaceful demonstration turned chaotic because of the actions of the government. And who are the bad guys again? They always are.
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More proof that guerrilla tactics are likely the only viable way to fight against an unethical state. Civilians are losing the technology battle.
If this is a variant or evolution of ADS tech, you may be exactly backwards, OP.
Basically, its a microwave beam, that can be aimed broadly to make a crowd disperse by heating the top layer of their skin.
Some redditors are saying it may have been this.
If it is/was that, aluminum foil or space blankeys would heat up considerably more rapidly than exposed skin, and likely cause significant burns.
However, a redditor in that thread posted this:
And this makes it seem more like it is a kind of directed sound weapon... which would be this:
If it is/was that... you'd have to have a phalanx of concave shields to attempt to scatter the sound, but the problem is that it is such high db that the sound would just bounce around off the ground and buildings... and you'd also have to know exactly where it was coming from, and somehow coordinate a whole crowd to do an aimed testudo formation... and account for 3 dimensions, not just two.
We're talking up to 160db, louder than being right next to a jet engine or rocket launch.
Your best bet would be basically gun range or flight deck or heavy industrial grade ear pro.
Both of these kinds of tech are usually mounted on cars or trucks... but nowadays, drone versions also exist.
can't believe I'm in the reality where conspiracy theorists were right about the government sending signals to hurt us
There are actually filed patents and research papers showing that a stationary subject, when hit with the right frequency and intensity of radio energy, will report hearing a sound 'coming from inside their head'.
To the best of my knowledge, no actual tech that does this is actually used practically as some kind of crowd dispersal weapon... but it is theoretically possible.
If you wanna fuck with someone, auditorily, easily, all you have to do is jerry rig a phone or some other device to basically emit the right kind of dog whistle.
If you consistently expose a human to a sound roughly between 20khz and 24khz... most people cannot consciously hear such a noise, as it is outside of many people's hearing range... but basically, you hear it subconsciously, and it will make you irritable, angry, lose focus, sometimes nauseous, paranoid.
That is absolutely terrifying.
If the shield were to be made concave and faced towards its origin, it could end up focusing it back to where it came from as well.
Isn't there a problem with subsonic audio in that it's really hard to determine the direction it's coming from? Although with a crowd big enough I suppose you could probably get a visual indicator of where the source is based off of people's reaction to it.
Edit: After watching the video I don't really think a person holding a shield would be able to reflect something that was able to clear a space as wide as a street. I'd also wager that the people welding such a weapon likely have the appropriate hearing protection to keep the system from effecting their selves.
If you're ever against one of these, hearing protection is important, but also get a parabolic shield to direct the waves back at your attackers, you can drive away the operators of it, keep advancing and take control of it.
Would noise canceling headphones work against this?
Active noise canceling is usually just white noise. I'm not aware of any noise canceling device that actually measures and responds to a specific frequency, and even then, the headphones may not be able to physically produce the frequency they need to cancel. You need legit hearing protection that physically dampens the sound. These are not partocularly expensive; you can get basic protection for $20, and more comfortable sets can be found for about $40. Earmuffs for shooting should work well.
I saw a video of the attack. Wouldn’t sound absorbing material work like the cushion of a weapon case or sound absorbing foam?
Many people would need them in large squares, holding it above their heads or on different heights.
A problem that remains is that communication of the protest ceases because it would be absorbed. The sound absorbers would remain lowered until the sound wave attack happens.
No. Soundproofing foam doesn't do anything to protect you from it.
I saw a video of a guy experimenting against 2 types of audio weapon.
Some type of sheet plastic or smth worked at reflecting the beam.
Audio foam didn’t do anything