I’m a millennial. I don’t know how gen Z will survive. Thank god the billionaires are fine though.
At least by the time they're to the age of current millennials more of the boomers will be gone, but with corpos buying up the real estate that millennials can't afford the situation probably won't be any better.
If only their were some sort of authority figure that could step in, on behalf of all of its people…
Agreed, the lack of the alcoholism that killed so many Boomers and Gen X in their youth won't improve the 18-30 mortality rates of Gen Z & Alpha IMO (not drinking for whatever reason). I'm not encouraged by the already difficult conditions that hobbled or killed so many Gen Y, which haven't improved and likely won't by the time either of these latest cohorts are graduating en-masse. Fentanyl, and other synthetics are going to scythe through them as well if things don't at least begin to change, but few with the influence to do anything are even acknowledging the problems.
Idk what theyre talking about, I'm a millenial and am STILL facing these problems..
Maybe don't vote for Trump in your 20s... Everyone else? I'll buy a beer for ya if you have a good heart.
Without a significant shift (evidence of which I have yet to see), it will continue to get worse for each successive generation until one of the generations has had enough and TAKES what they need from those that have it. And then we'll start over from scratch.
So they have a choice. Work to change the system, or let the system ride them hard enough that they break. Or their kids break. It's gonna be one of these next couple generations that the whole thing falls apart, and that's only if we aren't all shooting each other by the next time we're supposed to have an election.
I hope I'm wrong and people get pissed off early enough to change things in a more peaceful way.